Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 'Ow d'yer know ? ’
2 Which could well happen , ’ said the Prince — was it possible that he was capable of a strain of malicious humour ? — ‘ whenever parliament meets .
3 If we accept that public opinion broadly comes in two varieties : the popular and what can be regarded as the informed , each of the two strands is clearly visible whenever Parliament addresses the topic of criminal justice .
4 Traditionally Convocation had met whenever Parliament assembled , but the institution had been largely dormant after 1664 , when the clergy relinquished their right to tax themselves in return for the vote in Parliamentary elections , and had met only once since then , namely in 1689 .
5 Gulls flapped around uttering their strange cry of ‘ Tero , Tero ’ , and swooping down to scavenge whenever play moved on .
6 Whenever powder became damp or ran out , whenever shot was lost in a river or was used up , fear stalked the camp .
7 The Old Testament records them running after false gods , the gods of the nations round about them , whenever opportunity offered .
8 Whenever oligarchy took over from democracy , pay for office was one of the first things to be abolished .
9 Whenever talk turns to the government , the name of General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh comes up .
10 Whenever ice lurks just beneath the surface the trials of descent are greatly magnified .
11 She knew from the frequent worried glances the other woman sent in her direction that Candy had seen through the act , but she 'd managed with some effort to avoid her , always finding some pretext to disappear in the opposite direction whenever Candy appeared on the horizon .
12 That should protect her from those worrying bouts of weakness whenever Roman took it in his head to produce his caveman act and haul her into a passionate clinch …
13 The way her heart seemed to squeeze inside her chest , the way her pulses seemed to skip a beat whenever Roman watched her like that , was deeply disturbing .
14 The alacrity with which northerners enlisted for military service whenever warfare flared up on the Border speaks for itself .
15 The skirt was silk lined and made a lovely sound whenever Madame moved , which Madame still found intoxicating , even to this day , a day long after she had ‘ retired ’ from the theatre .
16 Since it is not practical to assess the recurrence of strictures by repeated radiologic and endoscopic examinations , repeat dilatation up to 15 mm was done whenever dysphagia recurred ( symptomatic recurrence ) .
17 The first alternative ( and at one time in the News International dispute it was considered a possibility ) , is to fight censorship at an institutional level ; that is , for the professional association as an organization to join battle with the local authority or similar organization , by recourse to legal means whenever censorship arises .
18 Suspicions have sometimes been voiced that , whenever government has supported civic education , the reason has been that learning of this kind has been interpreted as supportive of a respectful attitude .
19 Following the discovery , described above , that the area of the event horizon increased whenever matter fell into a black hole , a research student at Princeton named Jacob Bekenstein suggested that the area of the event horizon was a measure of the entropy of the black hole .
20 It would be nice , then , if there was some feature of the black hole by which observers outside the black hole could tell its entropy , and which would increase whenever matter carrying entropy fell into the black hole .
21 So obsessed was he with Mary 's charm and the Casket Letters , that it did not occur to him to ask the much more prosaic but crucially important question : what effect did it have on her kingdom , in this age of religious and political upheaval and trauma , to be saddled with a ruler who shut herself off from reality whenever reality became difficult ?
22 They will probably err on the side of caution whenever attempting to unravel the cause of death because recording it as occupationally induced requires the subsequent payment of industrial death benefits .
23 Technological spillovers arise whenever information produced by some firm i becomes available to some other firm j without j having to pay for it .
24 So whenever electricity whenever electricity goes through a conductor , usually a wire , the wire gets warm .
25 Whenever refraction takes place it always takes place according to the law of refraction stated above .
26 Capital , co-operative but capital nevertheless , employed labour ; and capital would whenever expedient exert the employer 's authority .
27 But we neither understand this power nor know , as Gassendi had already argued against Descartes , ‘ wherein thinking consists ’ .
28 Locke aroused considerable controversy with his suggestion that ‘ since we know not wherein thinking consists ’ , it may be , for all we know , that nothing more than matter is necessary for thought , and that God might have ‘ given to some systems of matter fitly disposed , a power to perceive and think ’ .
29 Its corollary , whereby praxis becomes determining history , he called the ‘ practico-inert ’ , by which he meant the material circumstances that have themselves been created by previous praxes and which form the conditions for new praxis .
30 This positive feedback process whereby calcium triggers its own release is a property of RYRs and it may also occur in those non-muscle cells expressing these receptors .
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