Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] just " in BNC.

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1 Some of the large eating places , such as McDonalds and Happy Eater , have special arrangements for children 's parties , whereby you just pay a fixed sum per head for food .
2 Christ you had a tight shirt on last night , and that 's how I do , that 's how I just say to her .
3 funny how I just er
4 A smooth walk , have you noticed how she just glides across , there you are !
5 I had it yesterday but you know how you just sort of start to get it , you 've got all the germs but they have n't quite come out ?
6 How , this is how they just came back to me so
7 and it a it had happened to of slipped away at that time and I went to step off , and , with it not being blown up properly that 's how it just flattened and I went off sid I 've still got a big bruise on my left knee !
8 And who , who has seen certain films where someone just walks into it , shows his driving licence and he buys a gun , yeah ?
9 ‘ There were times when I just wanted to give up and catch the next train home , ’ said Bill , ‘ but it was the thought of all the people at home praying for us and wishing us well that kept us going . ’
10 That was when I just had the one fellow .
11 It was that 's when I just came back from Switzerland I think .
12 I got to the stage where I just thought , well , something 's got to happen , you know ?
13 And this is like two day where I just aching , burning .
14 We called briefly at Gibraltar where I just had time to walk up the Rock and see the apes .
15 So consequently at times there would be er periods of stress for myself , where I just had to get enough money to give my daughter some new clothes like you know .
16 You know being round here you might be tempted to do it but that 's why I just keep in me flat and out of the way .
17 I do n't regret it , of course — I might never have been a priest otherwise — but I often think that that 's why I just do n't seem able to come to grips with the modern world . ’
18 That 's why I just keep my old ones up there that we use every da , er , you know
19 say why I just have n't got any .
20 That is one thing I , I , I do n't know why I just lovebites out .
21 no I ju , I du n no why I just think she 'll have a lad
22 I think Miss P had a real point ; you do have to know when you just ca n't stand any more trouble , not tonight anyway .
23 There are times when you just need your husband . ’
24 I 'm in the easy stage , the first few days when you just sleep and eat , but quite soon I 'll be in the hell of denial , Mr Breakspear . ’
25 There were days when you just could n't talk to him , when he stared at you as if what you said made no sense , and then gave you answers you could n't understand .
26 You 're high all the time except for those periods when you just crash because your adrenalin has left you . ’
27 Was there ever any time when you just had to accept the fact that the hay would have to be carried in wet ?
28 THERE are times when you just want to give up , lie in bed or in the garden and let someone else do all the work .
29 I know , aye , you know when you just ca n't believe it can you ?
30 and eat in there , and erm oh she says , she marks , she writes down all the market days , when you just the market and you see the fruit
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