Example sentences of "[n mass] be hold " in BNC.

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1 All geometric and textural data are held within a part file that closely represents a dustbin , thus information can not be selectively retrieved ; a piece of an object can only be viewed by displaying the whole part file .
2 Yet last July the Department of Health was aware of only 29 such closures , and last month the parliamentary secretary for health , Tim Yeo , could not say how many were planning to close because no data are held centrally .
3 The data are held on a branch-by-branch basis , and are accessible to regional banks and TSB Group Central Executive .
4 The attribute data are held in a separate database .
5 In the former , the data are held as coded characters exactly reflecting what would appear on a printed page .
6 In practice , legislation generally forbids such data being held thus and distributed in anything other than area aggregate form ; the cross-tabulations commonly employed ( e.g. to give tables of population numbers broken down by age and sex ) often result in a great multiplication of the data volumes .
7 With the geometric data being held , a designer can now digitize a point in space and immediately find which part is contained there .
8 The hybridisation data were held in a flat file data base , with C programs reponsible for data management and collation .
9 These data were held in separate files , which were converted via a series of filter programs into a canonical file format , listing just the clones positive for a given probe .
10 Press and television thronged to get words from the aircrew , S/L Dave Thomas said it was the ‘ passing of a great era ’ and of the campaign to keep XH558 flying that ‘ it reflects the affection in which the aircraft is held . ’
11 INDUSTRIAL wrangling over a new type of small floppy disc for storing data is holding up the development of useful portable computers .
12 This spatial data is held as a node , enveloping box and attribute ( functional relativity ) as illustrated in Figure 5.7 .
13 The data is held as a two-dimensional array , each row representing a part in which each of the columns containing various data about the parts .
14 Note that this is of limited use as it implies that the data is held only in the index or in the main file .
15 The system knows what data is held on Employees and , therefore , what information it needs .
16 Data is held temporarily within the cache until either a time delay expires , the computer is idle or the cache becomes full .
17 The various applications on the system are registered in accordance with the law , and state the purpose for which the data is held and to whom it may be disclosed .
18 As we have already stated , it may be possible to use completed documents directly as input to a data dictionary system so that the data is held in a readily-accessible computer format as well as on paper forms .
19 This address could be an actual physical address , that is , the disk cylinder , track and block number where the data is held , or some sort of relative address : relative , that is , to the beginning of the file .
20 The seventh principle relates to a data subject 's right to know ‘ at reasonable intervals ’ if personal data is held on him and to have access to such data .
21 The user can then be added to the list of people who can access the minidisks on which the data is held .
22 The data was held at the ESRC Data Archive , which , however , did not provide on-line access , although there was a national support post , whose holder ran courses , produced documentation , supplied data to regional centres and gave advice .
23 The data was held on the Manchester mainframe and Manchester Computing Centre produced a two-volume manual which described the SASPAC package , and explained how to run programs using the data at Manchester .
24 The simplest way to destroy an ailing fish is to hold it in a damp cloth and dash it smartly against a hard surface such as a concrete path .
25 LABOUR OF LOVE A sludge-grey turbot is held proudly against the plastic overalls of a fish gutter in Newlyn market .
26 The media are held to have played a key educational and civilising role — by keeping people better informed of the issues involved in industrial disputes and of the ‘ proper ’ way to conduct them .
27 People are holding off now cutting back
28 Sales are holding up extremely well and people are realising what good value the product is , ’ added Mr Sabini .
29 Other believing people will say that they really can not answer in that way because it does not seem to fit with other messages in the New Testament of people being held to account ‘ in the latter days ’ .
30 I want also and in particular to draw attention to the grave concern that I and others feel about the number of young people being held in prisons .
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