Example sentences of "[n mass] [to-vb] at " in BNC.

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1 He was bound in the sum of £40 to appear at the Michaelmas Quarter Sessions in Kendal , the banker Christopher Wilson standing surety for him , for £30 .
2 Anglian started 2p lower then regained 1p to stand at 479p .
3 Meanwhile , vegetarian George has turned down £20,000 to sing at a wedding in Paris because the bridegroom is a butcher .
4 Coen and Hickman dispense with the common practice of linking changes in NAIRU with changes in the natural unemployment rate , preferring instead to rely on demographic and other data to arrive at direct estimates of the natural rate , estimates which do not take as their reference point the behaviour of the rate of inflation .
5 It is a necessary step if IBM is to remain competitive in networked environments because it enables data to move at the same speed between the CPU and peripherals as it moves over Ethernet .
6 Sterling also rallied from a low of $1.4767 to close at $1.4825 , two thirds of a cent lower on the day .
7 I used to see them when it was the custom for young folk to gather at Cotherstone village at weekends , to chat and meet their friends .
8 The Children 's Tropical Forests Appeal has been set up to raise £10,000 to buy at least 285 acres of threatened tropical forest in the Jatun Sacha area of Ecuador .
9 Erskine House Group Plc shares nose-dived 14 pence to land at 27 pence after it said that its final dividend for 1992 will , at most , be nominal , saying that January and February had been dire in the US .
10 An attractive fish to look at , and hardy to keep .
11 We have the club slides in our house so that you know really whoever takes over organizing the meeting should really have those and they 're all sorted out in order so it 's just a case of diving in the bag and looking for whatever you want , ever the I always try to bring some fish to look at , to the the scr to the screen erm some of the fish that were on show on the table for that particular sh er in erm table show because I think it shows interest and to learn more about the fish and it 's always nice when somebody else knows a lot more about the particular species than you do , and i is able to tell you quirks and fancies that they have .
12 Climbing at 600 ft/min to level at 4000 ft , lower the nose to the level attitudes at 3940 ft , just 60 ft before reaching the desired 4000 ft .
13 a rectangular piece of crêpe paper large enough to go around the tube once and have about 10cm to spare at each end
14 Shares in Eurotunnel fell a further 50p to close at 600p , making a 15 per cent drop in the Anglo-French venture 's stock market value in the two days since it disclosed a 50 per cent rise in the cost of the tunnel to at least £7bn .
15 And the British Tourist Authority expects figures to rise as our recent warm summers , the effects of the recession and the threat of airport delays encourage more and more people to holiday at home rather than abroad .
16 On the one hand , the local situation and knowledge about it encouraged some people to retire at the same time as they were made redundant .
17 There are people to see at the Embassy , a number of them friends of mine .
18 This internationally acclaimed programme has mobilised the Vietnamese people to plant at least 160,000 hectares of trees per year to make up for the loss of some 2.2 million hectares of forest and farmland destroyed during the war , as well as the country 's current forest losses .
19 Membership Assistant Dean ( chair ) Dean Modular Course Co-ordinator Assistant Academic Secretary ( secretary ) Ten elected members of teaching staff to include at least one member from each faculty Two student representatives nominated by the students ' union from the MCC representatives Any Field Chair ( not otherwise qualified ) choosing to attend and having two days ' notice of his or her intention to the Chair .
20 In extreme cases this may involve a deliberate distortion of the exchange price , or a means to profit at the expense of customers , typically where the broker fills the customer 's trade at a price that is worse than he could have obtained by competitive trading , in order to benefit another trader .
21 I 'm sure the advice for the wealthy to hire a personal bodyguard is useful but I 'm not quite sure if I agree with the investment possibilities of ‘ Aeronautics engineer Paul Moller 's flying car , the M200X , which could allow four people to cruise at 322 miles an hour ’ , thus allaying any fears about the collapse of the transport infrastructure .
22 We require central command staff to work at Crab Key , our magnificent Caribbean headquarters just outside Kingston , Jamaica .
23 ‘ Teleworking is the use of modern computer technology to allow people to work at home or at a local telecentre .
24 The best time to see the Lakes he felt was not necessarily high summer , and he recommended people to come at all times of the year so that they might appreciate the great torrents of water after rain and misty light on cloudy days .
25 There are 4 more holly and mistletoe sales to come at Tenbury in the weeks up to Christamas .
26 Speedier technological change will increase the need for most people to retrain at least once during their working life , which should mean more jobs for teachers of all sorts .
27 One such engineering solution to weightlessness that NASA is now contemplating is spinning the spacecraft to create at least some gravitational effect on the astronauts .
28 He made money by charging people to look at his coffins .
29 I 'd like people to look at my photos and feel good about themselves and want to do something beautiful themselves .
30 Its quite boring being in a car , its just yourself , but there 's always people to look at , its quite an adventure
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