Example sentences of "[n mass] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 REMEMBER , the quicker you recover your aircraft the less chance of further damage .
2 Welcome back.In a few minutes , we 'll be going inside the Highgrove Estate , for a look at Prince Charles 's garden .
3 Hanson 's study of art education and Dodd 's work on technology offer similar evidence.a The latter speaking of the Crowther Report noted that they had shown how ‘ an alternative route to knowledge ’ lay through practical subjects which did not destroy the intellectual curiosity of the pupil in the way associated with the ‘ academic ’ ones .
4 Offered to the museum for £800 by Hans Calmann , who subsequently lowered the price to £550 as the Committee ‘ felt a little uncertain about the Bust — or rather , I should say whether we should pay up ’ because a bust of the same period ‘ more certainly by Foggini ’ had been purchased by the V&A for £80 a few years before .
5 His imaginative pulse quickened almost at once , and in the second week of May he was able to report.that no fewer than 1,500 lines of Osorio had been completed .
6 If possible , take the older fish out , add the new ones and return the older fish a few days later … then they become the new ones .
7 You should introduce fish a few at a time , over a period of several weeks .
8 They had been to the Fish a few times before and Mary had little difficulty in sousing the coarse splutterings of the pair of spoilt whelps who were nonetheless , she thought , by no means bad or wicked young men .
9 Tommy asked when the duty corporal entered the barracks a few minutes before lights out .
10 Lager style beer at 50p a half litre is useful for putting out the fiery effects of ‘ Rahi ’ — anis flavoured blowtorch fuel .
11 4 Take particular care to get the topical pictures to the daily media the same day .
12 ( Miranda was n't very big , and she was looking for people the same size as her . )
13 The same actor then changed into the clothes of a labourer and asked people the same question , with the same wording .
14 ‘ We build a device that gives people the same power over information that large corporations and the Government have had over people , ’ proclaimed one promotional video made by Apple Computer Company .
15 Unquestioningly treating Disabled and non-Disabled people the same may obstruct Disabled people 's access to recreational , training , employment , funding and promotion opportunities .
16 Today 's report says the suicide rate among students is only slightly higher than young people the same age in the world outside .
17 The more time and energy you give to developing residencies in hospitals and working with other people the less time there is for your own work .
18 ln the latter as operation may simply be a matter of conforming to standard practices established by collective experience over time .
19 The story was an apparently true one concerning a certain butler who had travelled with his employer to India and served there for many years maintaining amongst the native staff the same high standards he had commanded in England .
20 What can be stated with some certainty is that ‘ London ’ is by no means the be-all and end-all of the emerging story and that an ‘ explosion ’ is occurring in terms of new record labels .
21 The Inquisition was by no means the be-all and end-all of the fight against corruption ; nor was the secret inner order of the Inquisition the ultimate either .
22 Provocative dress and casual promiscuity ( which are by no means the same thing ) may be abhorrent to juries in the southern states of America or to judges in this country .
23 It considers the objectives of stability tests which are by no means the same in all instances , the stages of development of a product at which stability should be assessed , the test procedures and the interpretation of results .
24 But their faces are by no means the same as Matteo 's : features and expressions , though consonant with the half-tender , half-dreamy look of Matteo 's Madonnas , are not based on any particular model .
25 Though the two may have isolated similar problems , the political and intellectual context of their work was by no means the same .
26 This goes to show that alliances formed in the conflict over recreation and access to the countryside are by no means the same as those which coalesce over issues of wildlife preservation and landscape change .
27 And you did that with your two times table so because times means the same as sets of or lots of .
28 What are the common wages of labour , depends everywhere upon the contract usually made between those two parties , whose interests are by no means the same .
29 Since April last year we have assessed open market rents on 24 pubs in the Darlington area based on the new 20-year leases , and the average increase over the historic tenancy rent and transfer of machine income is in the region of 55pc the same as the national average .
30 Gazing down from his plinth in Lichfield , you could almost hear Dr Johnson muttering : ‘ Socialism , Sir , is a cow , which will yield such people no more milk — and so they are gone to milk the bull ’ .
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