Example sentences of "[n mass] [verb] first " in BNC.

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1 To attack a U-boat an aircraft had first to sight it on the surface .
2 The fish come first
3 When 5 Corps had first been informed by Gen Schmidt-Richberg of the approach of 600,000 Germans and Croats to the southern edge of the Corps area on the evening of 13 May , it had been assumed that this huge mass of fugitives was on the verge of entering Austria and that it would be difficult to prevent all of them from doing so .
4 So few people know first aid ( for some strange reason it 's not taught in most schools ) that you may be the only one who can plug the wound and stop the bleeding .
5 Waterstones staff took first prize in two recent publisher competitions .
6 Both staff had first degrees plus teaching qualifications .
7 This type of product is just one example of what we call ‘ Human Electronics ’ , meaning simply that people come first .
8 Although animals are wonderful , the needs of people come first .
9 If an outbreak of self-poisoning and self-injury starts on a ward , the staff need first to try to understand why it is happening .
10 Thus , those who are committed to caring for and working with old people have first to face two facts .
11 More additions to series to report first .
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