Example sentences of "[am/are] look at " in BNC.

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1 The relationship to images is destroyed , he wrote , when they are looked at only for themselves , gazed at only for themselves .
2 A government spokesman said yesterday : ‘ Tenders are looked at individually and taken on merit . ’
3 Other aspects are looked at such as packaging food and irradiation interactions .
4 Exam results are looked at closely , subject by subject , and comparisons are made with previous years and with neighbouring schools .
5 Time savings appear only if the best plays are looked at early on in the game .
6 Some further resources ( or facilities ) that are available for libraries to utilize other than those discussed in this chapter , are looked at in Chapter 5 , but one resource that is fundamental to an effective training programme i.e. effective use of resources allocated — and one that is available to all libraries — is a positive training ‘ climate ’ .
7 The types of courses available are looked at in detail in chapter 4 .
8 Not all alternatives are looked at , rather those most familiar to decision-makers or deviating least from existing practice are examined first , in order to cut down the information and transition costs associated with more radical changes .
9 Many of these aspects are looked at in the following chapters .
10 If the letters of offer and acceptance are looked at alone then it is clear that the university was entitled to terminate the appointment on three months ' notice .
11 Different approaches to the teaching of literacy are looked at critically .
12 However , the picture is less optimistic when the figures are looked at a little more closely .
13 If the judgments in that case are looked at , it will be found that Willes J. said , in explaining the grounds of his judgment that under circumstances like those of the present case , the debt is gone , because it would be a fraud upon the stranger who pays part of a debt in discharge of the whole , that an action should be brought for the debt .
14 Comments stressed the need to allow adequate time to develop such units and to ensure that the units are looked at , and if need be edited , by colleagues .
15 Windows are like eyes : they are looked at as much as they are looked out of .
16 There are a few instances , however , when even TNF needs further simplification , and these are looked at in Section 3.8 which may be skipped on first reading .
17 " The conventions of the constitution , " as Professor LeMay observed , " have meaning only when they are looked at against a background of continuous political change .
18 I am looking at a photograph of an adult dunnock , so small in comparison to its monstrous foster-child that it has to perch on its back in order to feed it .
19 I see a man up on the hill , but when as the minutes pass he does not move it occurs to me that what I am looking at must be a stone .
20 Q When I am looking at the ingredients in a hair product what should I be looking for to identify it as a quality product ?
21 This is because in saying what something looks like to me I am not saying something about something other than the thing I am looking at , its look .
22 As a mother I am looking at this girl .
23 I return to work on the spot with insights into what I am looking at and a clearer sense of intention .
24 ‘ The two precise problems I am looking at today are what financial means should be explored , and what partnership , with other European operators or if necessary an industrial company ? ’
25 What a queasy period those inter-war years now seem ( I am looking at the chicken curry ) , the old hatreds and prejudices simmering and bubbling nicely with all the dark , irrational fears surfacing in a way that rational people like Cohn-Casson believed had long ago been rendered obsolete by the evolutionary nature of society .
26 But I am looking at something from the previous century .
27 But while I am looking at it my eyes constantly wander from one flower to the next , pausing at some , ignoring others , picking out the details of their shapes and colours .
28 I am looking at the specific points that were made by the delegation to me earlier this month .
29 I am looking at the most magnificent townscape in London .
30 No , what I am looking at are the first direct signals to reach me from the dark constellation of Serafin .
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