Example sentences of "[am/are] all a " in BNC.

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1 You 're all a bunch of feminists , I feminists ’ , ’ said one student , Robert Leclerc .
2 You 're all a bunch of feminists , I feminists ’ , ’ said one student , Robert Leclerc .
3 ‘ They 're all a bit alike , are n't they ? ’
4 Voloshin argued against him and then Modi interrupted : ‘ You 're all a lot of bloody innocents .
5 We 're all a bit fed up , but it 'll pass .
6 ‘ They 're all a long way below us . ’
7 ‘ We 're all a bit mad but several have responded by saying they 've now got something to live for , ’ he said .
8 ‘ Yes , we 're all a bit nosy , are n't we ? ’
9 ‘ There is a ‘ deposition ’ which seems an awfully good beginning for something : they 're all a bit like that : you know : awfully good beginnings .
10 But they 're all a long way off , and they look very faint .
11 They 're all a familiar part of Christmas in the U.K. And , here , it 's fascinating to read how other countries will enjoy the same great occasion .
12 Ee , they 're all a bit tired , are n't they ? ’
13 What I 'd like say with these guys there 's no right or wrong style , there 's no good or bad , we 're all different erm and we f we 're all a combination of each as well .
14 Erm , a bit on the recommendations one they 're seeking approval er that erm the er tenders from are left from March nineteen ninety four to March nineteen ninety eight which seems to me to be quite a long time to let that go if we 're all a little bit concerned about what 's going on .
15 somebody bought in large quantities er in Finland and started making up in a factory in Harlow erm , at one time , erm , they 're all a bit
16 And you go back to light a sandbag , and there they all are , and they 're all a bit hot , it 's about , it 's like Hades , and there 's fork-lift trucks flying everywhere and you 've got pretty girls who in , in , in the team when you get down there and they start showing off , that 's alright , do n't mind that , and , and you 've got all these fork- lift trucks flying everywhere , and you 've got men carrying rolls of carpet and you 've got , you know , all this
17 Part of , part of the furniture , yes what do you want , there 's no problem with parcels , and so again it becomes far less difficult to discuss erm , a business conversation , and sometimes it 's a conversation about football , and they 're all a load of complete , because that 's part of , er , that 's one of the joys of er , er , having been doing something for long enough to have got known within the , within the patch .
18 They 're all a delight for David Nicholson …
19 but the er , at the joint meeting of course they 're all a bit subdued , cos they 're coming onto to well what 'll happened , cos I 've work up there , they 're much more gregarious than the bloke down here , so they 'll take the stuff out of especially when , so we 'll be doing it .
20 Like when you go round National Trust Homes do n't you , they 're all a
21 But they 're all , they 're all a variation on a theme , but if you , you know what I mean , if you 've got the closes in your head you can press buttons
22 ‘ They are all a bit ‘ Out of my way — I 'm king of the road ’ .
23 Zhanna has no rivals as a female rock singer and is now among the top three Soviet women the others are All a Pugachova and Sophia Rotaru who reach the wider pop audience .
24 ‘ I think success is all about positive vibes — and they are all a very positive influence on me , while at the same time never being pushy .
25 At home , her brother also learnt not to smack her and we are all a big happy family now . ’
26 They are all a type of experimentation , which was outline as being an important part of learning in the opening chapter .
27 But what Roger Cook and his researchers entirely failed to do was to use the interesting current developments within WWF to highlight a crucial debate of which we are all a part — namely the values that should now guide the work we do in our respective movements , and how to make those values germane and relevant to people the world over .
28 The light greens by and large believe that the system of which we are all a part is perfectible , that it could be reformed in such a way as to create a sustainable , environmentally friendly way of living .
29 The walls are all a warm , pale terracotta .
30 Otherwise most of our efforts are all a waste of time and energy .
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