Example sentences of "[am/are] not go " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am not going to have an affair with you .
2 ‘ I am not going to , ’ said Lucy vehemently .
3 It is very unfortunate because we want all our best players for such an important match , but I am not going to embroider it .
4 I am not going on it , said the Lapp , I am coming off it .
5 I said ‘ I am here to tell you something but if you do n't want to listen to me I am not going to listen to you either . ’
6 I just have to listen , I am not going to stand this . ’
7 I am not going out of my mind , she thought , and if , at the moment , the outside world does not recognise me for what I am , my sister knows she has only to speak a word here and there , to take a decision , and who will listen to me ?
8 A virtue which , I realize , makes me too vulnerable , but I am not going to discard it now .
9 If I stand at the window ( which I am not going to do ) I can see a small fat man with a trilby hat , a British warm and what looks like a binocular case , standing down below on the other side of the road and peering up with an anxious concentration at this battered , paint-peeling semi-circle of so-called Mansion Flats .
10 I hope so , but I am not going to argue the case one way or the other , nor to speculate over its possible memic evolution .
11 I am not going to go in to all the details , but I give you one example .
12 If the fish sucks from three inches and moves my indicator that much , and then bodily moves my indicator another nine inches I am not going to complain .
13 I am not going to be provoked . ’
14 My knowledge of this period of history is rather hazy so I am not going to make an issue of it either way , for the simple reason which I suspect is shared by many of you , that I do n't care .
15 Like the purr , the key message of the smile is ‘ I am NOT going to do you any harm ’ .
16 This is not a book about dieting , so I am not going to go into the subject in great depth .
17 ‘ I am not going to lose my credibility on this train by being caught coming out of the help 's bedroom . ’
18 Whether you do or not , I am not going to change my mind . ’
19 It is not inconceivable that other organisations would become relevant in the future if I fell ill , but I like to assume that I am not going to fall seriously ill .
20 ‘ I am not going to give up my constituency , I 've always enjoyed the surgery .
21 ‘ We do fly to St Kitts from Antigua but we serve many small islands and I am not going to say which one is involved . ’
22 ‘ I am not going to get into what kind of therapy she might find herself in , but clearly she would need all the help she could get from whatever source was available .
23 ‘ Obviously they have very long memories but I am not going to get involved in any more comments , ’ added the former Gloucester , Worcester and England batsman and BBC commentator .
24 The upsetting thing is that I am not going to get any real Sheffield Shield cricket to get back into enough form to earn a Test before this summer is over . ’
25 ‘ They do n't like my moustache and my long hair , they get at me whenever they can but I am not going to change .
26 And he all but confirmed this was his last match , saying : ‘ I basically feel the same way as I have all year , and although I am not going to announce my retirement , I guess that is it .
27 But scrum-half Marwood insisted : ‘ I am not going to think about it .
28 ‘ I know I am not going to win every time I 'm in contention , I never have and probably never will .
29 As for houses , I am not going to touch on their security here , but merely suggest that you contact the Crime Prevention Officer at your local police station .
30 I am not going to let anyone down in America .
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