Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Perceptions of Nizan 's character are widely diverging ; " arrogant , thin-skinned , secretive , fond of wealth , ambitious , a tactician delighting in outmanoeuvreing opponents , honest , gentle , generous , brusque , cheerful , tormented , astute , surprisingly uncompromising " .
2 Indeed I am rather coming round to the view that the trouble last year was not that we failed to produce as good policies as our opponents but that we failed to produce policies for the issues the electorate was most interested in .
3 Whilst other object players such as Objectivity Inc and Object Design Inc are successfully licensing persistent language products to majors like Microsoft Corp and Sun Microsystems Inc ( UX No 405 ) , it is only a matter of time , Andrews argues , before they no longer need the services of third parties .
4 Thus we leave no mark on the ocean , as if we are successfully covering our tracks .
5 Ormerods are successfully weathering the recession .
6 But even in the teeth of a recession , companies large and small are successfully gaining the backing of the venture capital funds and paying them back handsomely .
7 Even in the teeth of a recession , companies large and small are successfully gaining the backing of the venture capital funds and paying them back handsomely
8 I would like to see more pro-nuclear articles in the press , and as for those which are blatantly lying , how about some more complaints to the Press Complaints Commission to get our own back ?
9 Ironically , as ‘ our ’ crime problem gets worse , the demand for even more ‘ law and order ’ policies increases , even though these are blatantly having no effect on the level of serious crimes .
10 While most environmental health officers are keenly applying the new regulations , the shortage of staff coupled with the wide range of new products and processes which have to be assessed has resulted in a somewhat irregular interpretation and application of the Act .
11 The sales potential for technologydriven , ultra-real pornographic and violent experiences via the computer is so great that computer engineers are furiously designing software that will satisfy an otaku 's ‘ sexual ’ needs .
12 Amid all this turmoil and red ink , the aircraft manufacturers ( America 's Boeing and McDonnell Douglas , and the European consortium , Airbus Industrie ) together with the jet-engine makers ( America 's General Electric and Pratt & Whitney , and Britain 's Rolls-Royce ) are nervously sitting on the biggest backlog of orders in their history .
13 Here in Cheshire business men are nervously waiting to meet the business angels is whom hands the future of their company might rest .
14 Local authorities are nervously anticipating a flood of judicial review challenges over community care .
15 That is especially so at this time , when we are effectively handing from Parliament to Ministers the right to decide , on private Bills , to lay orders .
16 An important point concerning all modules apart from the character recogniser is that they are effectively acting as filters in this context , i.e. they can not contribute further interpretations of the data .
17 All these 4 projects are effectively providing residential settings so they are not community care in the most exciting way .
18 This means that we are effectively using the two-phase method , except that , where a choice of variable to enter the basis occurs in Phase I ( and such occurrences are very common ) , the choice is resolved by the true objective function .
19 If you continue to smack a two-year-old you are likely to make him more physical , you are effectively telling him that smacking ( ie , hitting people ) is OK . ’
20 To say that a certain village enjoys a certain level of accessibility is to summarize much too crudely the position of the middle-class person in a two-car household and the elderly person without a car because , as Moseley ( 1979a ) so correctly points out , these neighbours are effectively living in different worlds in terms of mobility .
21 The fact that we already participate in certain ways in what are effectively rationing decisions does not constitute an argument for greatly increasing the scope and visibility of that role .
22 They claimed that ‘ voices demanding Pakistan 's withdrawal ’ from these pacts were ‘ increasing ’ , and that ‘ the Iranian people are effectively campaigning for Iran 's withdrawal from the aggressive CENTO bloc , the abrogation of the military treaty with America and for Iran 's return to a policy of neutrality ’ .
23 Increasingly with voluntary bodies , and I know that this was discussed at length in the P A G , but will be of interest to members , increasingly with voluntary bodies , we are moving towards er , jointly providing services with them , in a partnership arrangement where we are effectively purchasing and commissioning services from them , and that is the way we would wish the policy to go .
24 Simply by existing in a successful role , both bands are effectively working against that mentality .
25 Instead we are arguing that all academic texts are effectively working with a particular brief and it is important that this be either spelled out in the production of academic texts or taken apart systematically by the readership .
26 The House will understand that , although we prefer these matters to be resolved by competitive tendering , in this case we are effectively talking about a single supplier , so it is vital to get the contract right .
27 If your net margin on sales is 10 per cent and the discount offered for early payment is 2.5 per cent , you are effectively giving away a quarter of your profit .
28 The relevance of this little piece of history is considerable , we are effectively going through just such an evolutionary change today .
29 On the one hand more men are effectively retiring in their fifties due to unemployment ( Walker and Walker , 1987 ) .
30 It will be difficult to avoid noticing the work of primary schools that are effectively marketing themselves , their reputation will be well known and their efforts highly publicised .
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