Example sentences of "[no cls] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 According to traditional views this takes place in the next der of visual areas .
2 The pièce de résistance of high drama in any hospital setting is a group of junior doctors rushing through the corridors clutching their crash bleeps on their way to a cardiopulmonary arrest .
3 In addition 2.9pc of Conservative voters in 1987 refused to say how they would vote this time around .
4 About 36% of the mangrove forests were destroyed ; 10.3% of inland forests besides cultivated and other lands were sprayed , some of them repeatedly .
5 Our own unpublished data on absorption from these enemas indicates that less than 0.02% of administered bismuth is absorbed .
6 Of these VAT ( 17.4% of total receipts ) was the most important .
7 Which it does in the UK , e.g. 20% on the first f2,000 of taxable income 25% on taxable income up to f23,700 and 40% on higher income ( 1992/3 )
8 Heeding Lady Barber 's wish that the ‘ purchases for the Collection shall be of that standard of quality required by the National Gallery and the Wallace Collection ’ , the Trustees have succeeded in acquiring over the years a group of paintings , drawings , sculptures , and objet d'art of exceptional merit , a number of them undisputed masterpieces .
9 Lanes 1,4,7,10 and 13 contain no competitor ; lanes 2,5,8,11 and 14 contain 100ng of homologous SSB oligonucleotide ; lanes 3,6,9,12 and 15 contain 100ng AP1 SS competitor ; lane 16 contains probe alone .
10 Each RedWood cartridge will hold an estimated 25Gb of uncompressed data against the 800Mb uncompressed of a 3490E cartridge .
11 Turnouts in Guardian elections were extremely low ( perhaps 10–15% of registered electors ) and Guardians who offended influential ratepayers were easily ousted .
12 In Walker 's ( 1975 ) study of students at Warwick University , among those graduating 46.8% of mature students who did not satisfy the GER achieved ‘ good ’ degrees , while only 35.2% of all students achieved this standard .
13 Up to now the US airwaves have been free , but there are moves to license any new frequencies that become available to the highest bidder — some argue that television should go entirely by cable to free capacity for radio communications : the US Federal Communications Commission is supporting a bill in Congress to free 200MHz of government-controlled radio frequencies for commercial use , in part through auctions ; the National Association of Broadcasters said it would support the bill if broadcast frequencies were exempt from the auctions ; McCaw Cellular Communications Inc is also a supporter of the bill .
14 According to NCR , the two- to 16- processor 3555 will deliver up to 1,440 VAX MIPS and comes with up to 8Mb cache , 2Gb RAM and 112Gb of internal disk storage , increased to 2Tb with external disks .
15 According to NCR , the two to 16 processor 3555 will deliver up to 1,440 VAX MIPS and comes with up to 8Mb cache , 2Gb RAM and 112Gb of internal disk storage , increased to 2,000Gb with external disks .
16 ( Another way of interpreting , for instance , this last figure , is to deduce an annual replacement figure of 12.5% of total existing stock . )
17 The Central Office of Statistics says that savings and debt repayments accounted for 12.5% of disposable income in the three months to end-September , compared with 11.4% in the previous quarter .
18 It was , for its time , quite a capable machine , being blessed with 64k of Random Access Memory ( RAM ) and was initially aimed at the home user .
19 CHICKEN CHINESE-STYLE ( see recipe , page 155 ) served with boiled brown rice mixed with canned beansprouts and soy sauce plus meringue basket filled with fresh or frozen raspberries , topped with diet fromage frais of similar flavour ( e.g. Shape ) OR SWEETCORN AND POTATO FRITTERS ( see recipe , page 162 ) served with RATATOUILLE ( see recipe , page 160 ) and frozen peas PLUS HOT CHERRIES ( see recipe , page 157 ) with 1oz ( 25g ) ice cream
20 Dubbed isoEnet , the technology enables speech and video traffic to be carried over 10Base-T networks by adding 6.144Mbps of isochronous bandwidth to the existing 10Mbps 10Base-T Ethernet .
21 Japanese banks operating in London accounted for 28.5% of total lending from London in 1991 , American banks 15% , and other banks 40.7% .
22 15–30% ( mean 25% ) of all Dupuytren cells in the lymphocyte gate were CD3-positive T-lymphocytes , compared with less than 0.5% of non-adherent cells from normal fascia .
23 Unidentified peaks accounted for less than 0.5% of total fatty acids .
24 This would explain the protection by GH5 of nucleosomal DNA against micrococcal nuclease digestion ; it would also be consistent with the GH5-DNA crosslinks and with the presence of two binding sites .
25 These effector cells were preincubated with or without 1–100 U/ml of recombinant interleukin 2 ( IL2 ) ( Shionogi Pharm , Osaka , Japan ) or 1–100 U/ml of recombinant interferon-γ ( IFN-γ ) ( Shionogi Pharm , Osaka , Japan ) for one day .
26 For analysis of receptor numbers and affinity cells were incubated with increasing amounts of 1 2 5 I-EGF ( 30–4000 fmoles ) for 2.5 hours , and non-specific binding determined at each point by inclusion of a 1–2 µg/ml of unlabelled EGF in replicate cultures .
27 If fashion was the raison d'être of outdoor clothing ( do n't laugh ) , then I could end this review here .
28 At colonoscopy the macroscopic appearance of the mucosa in the splenic flexure , the sigmoid colon , and the rectum was graded according to a modified Baron scale : grade 0=normal vascular pattern ; grade 1=loss of vascular pattern , mucosal oedema but no bleeding ; grade 2=granularity , friability , mucosal bleeding on instrument contact ; and grade 3=discrete ulcerations and spontaneous bleeding — that is free blood in lumen when introducing the endoscope .
29 StorComp RAID 7 platforms are available in desktop , integrated rack-mount and modular configurations with one to 141Gb of protected storage capacity on network file servers , Unix workstations including Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcs , IBM RS/6000 , DEC and HP and mainframes .
30 In January 1989 US pig producers asked the US government to impose countervailing duties on US$700,000,000 of Canadian pork imports , claiming that Canada offered unfair production subsidies .
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