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1 The input/central distinction is something on which I shall be heavily reliant when I come to my positive thesis .
2 Furthermore , the work of Young and his colleagues , which I shall be discussing later in the chapter , shows that being aware of the operations of , say , one 's face processing system has vitally important functional consequences .
3 Obviously there is some problem which I shall attempt to diagnose .
4 At last there occurred , suddenly , a most strange event which I shall never forget ad which astonished me : the little girl flung her arms round my neck ad in a rush began kissing me frenziedly .
5 I come now to what will be the first of many simplicities which I shall offer to you this afternoon ; for I am sure you already realise from what you know of my speakings and writings — and it will be all the more painfully obvious in half an hour 's time — that I am incurably simpliste .
6 The broad sense in which I shall be using homophobia is loosely descriptive of a manifest phenomenon : the hatred , fear , and persecution of , the raging at , homosexuality and homosexuals .
7 On the one hand — and this is a point to which I shall return — there is a dual claim against Lukács ' evolutionism ( to the effect that different levels of a social formation are relatively autonomous : crudely , if bourgeois society is decadent this does not necessarily mean , as Lukács thought it did , that its art is too ) , and in favour of the possibility of being able to pass a positive ‘ aesthetic judgement ’ upon a particular work however questionable the general category under which it has been produced ( a position related to Brecht 's polemic against Lukács ) .
8 So he experienced society from the bottom up , before talent and determination made room at the top for him : ‘ That was a most valuable bit of education for which I shall always be grateful both to my bourgeois ancestry as well as to the regime , ’ he was to say later .
9 ‘ Take your son , your only son , whom you love , Isaac , and go to the land of Moriah , and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of which I shall tell you . ’
10 The need for such a sketch is obvious when one recalls that ritual and ritualistic ideas can make sense only when taken in reference to a total structure of thought and system of social and historical reality ( most of which I shall , of course , be able only to touch on here ) .
11 1.7 , a point of some significance in the context of this essay , and one to which I shall return later ) , or take them to the Temple for the ritual redemption of the first-born ( idem ) ; they were exempt from making the thrice-yearly pilgrimage to Jerusalem at the feasts of Passover , Pentecost and Tabernacles ( Hag .
12 Most importantly , this brotherhood was seen as extending laterally across a generation , vertically to fathers , grandfathers , sons and grandsons , and ultimately to God — a point to which I shall return .
13 ‘ The cheers melted into gasps of admiration and roars of approval from the stands as , in turn , this famous pair of chasers made some of the most prodigious leaps ever seen on an English racecourse , ’ wrote Len Thomas in the Sporting Life : ‘ It was a spectacle which I shall never forget . ’
14 It was a spectacle which I shall never forget .
15 The presentational aspect involves all kinds of different considerations which I shall come to presently , but what they boil down to is this : what can you do to make it easier for the communicator to communicate and the audience to receive the required message — with minimum distraction ?
16 There are four in particular that have significant educational implications : ( 1 ) the emphasis on individualisation , ( 2 ) the encouragement of the ‘ exercise ’ disposition or mode of behaviour , ( 3 ) the widening of activities to be embraced by drama , and ( 4 ) the importance of intuition , which I shall discuss under the section heading ‘ Dorothy Heathcote ’ .
17 Clive Barker ( 1977 ) of Warwick University has given new substance to the use of games in the training of actors and Brian Watkins ( 1981 ) has evolved a theoretical framework conceptually linking drama and game in a way which I shall attempt to build on in the next chapter .
18 Not all objectors to the Hinkley C plan supported such a straightforward advocacy of coal , especially with the growing problems of acid rain pollution and the greenhouse effect to which I shall return in Part Three .
19 The argument for the pre-emption thesis proceeds from another , which I shall call the dependence thesis .
20 It is 1972 and I am travelling in a minibus through the Bekaa Valley , The Times correspondent in Ireland on holiday in Lebanon , unwittingly choosing to spend my vacation in the country in which I shall much later spend more than 13 years of my life .
21 Central News Video I Activity Book 1 Central News Video II Activity Book 2 which I shall deliver to the Press in accordance with the letter agreement .
22 There are also similarities , which may be revealing but which I shall not explore , between ‘ bottlenecking ’ and two other ideas that have dominated this chapter .
23 By the next letter : ‘ I am planning a large and sumptuous ballet on fisherman and his soul , for which I shall use the Moussorgsky . ’
24 My own belief , for which I shall attempt to argue , is that , whatever may become of the GCSE ( and its future seems very speculative ) , A levels should gradually be made redundant .
25 This was typical of his kindness , which I shall never forget .
26 ‘ Whoever will be my heir , let him be obliged to give , and I entrust to him that he should give , sums of the size which I shall dictate and give . ’
27 Those for the new carriages , which I shall describe presently , are fifty feet in length .
28 But this is still a reading of great insight which I shall often return to , for it offers much food for thought .
29 ‘ As I know myself to be entirely English … ’ she told Parliament in March 1702 , three days after her accession , ‘ there is not one thing you can expect or desire of me which I shall not be ready to do for the happiness or prosperity of England . ’
30 There are , in fact several others but , for various reasons which I shall attempt to explain , I do not feel that they are always quite as effective — or indeed as safe — as the use of the hypnotic state .
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