Example sentences of "[that] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Oh , it 's OK for you , let's have an evening of work on the exhibition , your goddam son blew that out of the window once and I was supposed to say , ‘ Yes Lucy , no Lucy , three bags full , Lucy ? ’
2 And I submit that out of this same background — conversations with Pound — comes that surprising coupling of names with which Yeats ends ‘ To a Young Beauty ’ ( 1918 ) :
3 Yet it was able to produce a score sheet which showed that out of a possible score of 100 , the Peoples Solidarity Party came first with 43.90 , followed by the Nigerian National Congress ( 42.62 ) , the Peoples Front of Nigeria ( 41.20 ) and the Liberal Convention ( 34.08 ) .
4 The conference heard that out of 732 post-mortem examinations — on victims of the Air India Boeing which crashed into the Atlantic near Cork , Zeebrugge , Piper Alpha , Lockerbie and Kegworth — 80.22 per cent of identifications had been through dentistry records .
5 There are those who believe that out of a divided society you can create a unitary section .
6 At the beginning of October 1983 I announced that out of a total staff of 817,633 we would ask for a reduction of 4,837 , which would save about £40 million .
7 Taking a balanced psephological slice of the local population , this revealed that out of 600 people questioned , almost twice as many were firmly against Hinkley C ( 44 per cent ) as were clearly in favour ( 23 per cent ) .
8 The record showed that out of fourteen nuclear public inquiries since 1956 , the nuclear proponents had only lost once .
9 An analysis by the age of the mother shows that out of all abortions , the proportion having abortions because of Reason Four increases with age ; 8% of women aged over 45 years , compared with 0.5% among under 19's .
10 And I will say that myself I was very promiscuous sexually , I will say that because I think a lot of people want to leave that out of the story , well not me thank you very much .
11 After one year , one would expect that out of these five those in the action sample would be happier than those in the control about the continued home care ; and this was clearly the case .
12 He told me that out of every 100 contacts a salesman found one prospect , and out of every ten prospects he should , on average , secure one sale .
13 It was not , as has been suggested , the popularity of the style among competitors which forced the judges to award a preponderance of prizes to designs in this style , as an examination of Clarke 's catalogue and the lists in various journals shows that out of the wide variety of stylistic appellations , it was largely those described as French Renaissance which were awarded prizes .
14 It cost £7 , and how he afforded that out of army pay , I shall never know .
15 This year we found that out of 1176 students ( about 10 per cent of the university population ) only 37 were lefthanded ( about 3.1 per cent ) .
16 Parkinson and his colleagues pointed out that out of seven regular observers using the Royal Greenwich Observatory 's meridian circle since 1851 , five produced self-consistent observations of the Sun 's diameter over each of their periods as observer .
17 It follows , therefore , that out of this sum only have the character of being realised surplus-value. if we recognise that capitalist consumption — α — is a limited quantity which is relatively inelastic , represents that part of surplus-value embodied in consumption goods which is ‘ saved ’ .
18 Although she spoke lightly , she realized that out of this fantastic scheme they might evolve some means of making a livelihood , and her spirits rose , so that she forgot her disturbing discovery .
19 Dr Richard Lacey , pioneer of the research into listeria in this country , has revealed in his studies that out of nearly 100 cook-chill foods from supermarkets , nearly a quarter have been found to be contaminated with listeria .
20 But in July a court released him from prison , and two days later he heard that out of 150 creditors none opposed his being discharged .
21 Proof of that was to be found in the returns to Parliament during 1826 and 1827 which showed that out of sixty-seven executions ordered against goods only forty produced payment .
22 I turned the switch and I regret to inform you that out of the loudspeaker came a lot of old Irishmen singing maudlin songs .
23 An example provided by a kachcheri mudaliyar shows that out of a crop which yielded sixty bushels of paddy , a little over eight bushels was paid for cattle hire .
24 This reveals that out of the destruction a new creation can emerge .
25 Figures show that out of every 1,000 skiers , 35 are involved in an accident — yet one in ten of us do n't bother to take out insurance .
26 ‘ We 've always known what we did n't want our music to sound like , but we never realised that out of all that chaos we 'd sound so laid back . ’
27 The General Manager of Barclays Bank , Trevor Nicholas , has said that out of his 4,000 systems staff there are just 7 that fall into this category .
28 The incidence of high rates of non-returners is borne out in a Far Eastern Economic Review report which suggested that out of the 50,000 scholars sent abroad since 1978 , at the start of the reform decade , only 20,000 have returned .
29 Despite the fact that out of 400 videos in his flat they found only five that could be classified as kinky , despite the fact that Skin 2 videos can be bought at places like Virgin ( something they were unaware of ) , they accused him of importing and distributing porn for profit .
30 An interesting point is raised at the end of the book , where it estimates that out of 210 Mustangs that survive worldwide , 112 are reported to be airworthy .
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