Example sentences of "[that] she really " in BNC.

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1 She was anxious not to make a noise , but even though her feet fell softly into the leaves strewing the path the wood was so still and silent that she really felt as if she were thudding through the wood .
2 Not that she really minded .
3 However , doing some voluntary work in schools and on a holiday camp for the under privileged convinced her that she really wanted to carry on working with children .
4 I sat and pondered these options for some time before deciding that numbers 1 and 2 were probably a bit over the top ( especially if it WAS Darren White that she really fancied ! ) .
5 She was just thinking how easy he 'd be to fall in love with , and that she really must n't start cradle-snatching when he said , ‘ Perdita 's seriously good .
6 It is well known that the Princess wanted ‘ out ’ of the Royal Family , but to her fellow passengers it was also clear she is only now coming to terms with the fact that she really is out — and quite alone .
7 Alex styled Louisa 's smooth , sleek bob into three alternative looks , each emphasising the fact that she really does have the most beautiful hair in the world .
8 And it was obvious that she really cared .
9 It 's when she lets rip with the ballads that she really shines .
10 She slaps her brand new skinhead again and again , as if to check that she really was wild enough to shave all those ratty locks off .
11 It was then that she really saw him for the first time and the blood began to sing in her ears .
12 In the third place , it still is or may be a condition of the validity of a voluntary dealing by the wife for the advantage of her husband that she really obtained an adequate understanding of the actual nature and consequences of the transaction .
13 He tore her dress on the taxi journey back to her flat , and after a tussle , finally , standing on the pavement at three a.m. he realized that she really would n't allow him in .
14 Nobody knew that she really was playing with the local children , in her own way .
15 It occurred to her that she really should go to the dock , but she decided that here was a chance to do something more useful .
16 All that she really learned about him was that yes , he was a psychiatrist — ‘ one of the dissertation writers ’ , as he referred to himself-and that his wife had died after an illness about five years before .
17 ‘ I want to see the traction engines in a minute , ’ said Betty , looking round ; but Lydia knew that she really wanted to see Beuno , since it was n't long since she herself had been in love and she recognised the signs .
18 I looked at Lily She seemed to me to be perceptibly hurt ; and just as another wild idea was beginning to run through my mind , that she really was an amnesiac , some beautiful amnesiac he had , somehow , literally and metaphorically laid his hands on , she gave me what was beyond any doubt a contemporary look , a look out of role — a quick , questioning glance that flicked from me to Conchis 's averted head and back again .
19 She had never liked Mona Rigby — who would n't have been chosen twice for the coveted role if the staff had known as much about her as did Brenda — and she was n't sure that she really liked Miss Foley .
20 They saw that she really wanted to change things at the factory , and everyone agreed with her that safety was very important .
21 In fact , it was so totally unimportant that she really had no idea why it had n't slipped her mind as well .
22 ‘ I 'm fine , ’ she replied automatically — then realised with a shock that she really was .
23 I suddenly realised that she really did n't want to lose me .
24 Dr Neil wanted to tell her to be careful , that she really had little idea of how hard and cruel the world was outside the privileged fastness in which she had previously lived , but he contented himself with saying instead , ‘ Have a good time , McAllister .
25 Not that she really complained .
26 Jenny did not reappear and Sara began to think that she really had gone for a walk .
27 Later , as she walked slowly downstairs , only a light blue silk dressing-gown over her skin , which was still warm and fragrant from the bath oil , Laura realised that she really did n't want to watch any television .
28 With the awful feeling in her bones that she really had blown it , Fabia got out of the car and stood with him on the pavement .
29 It was when Trudie Sheppard retired that she really got down to work .
30 Foxy was saying how they were all standing on the balcony saying that she really ought n't to wear those shorts cos she 's got such thunder thighs .
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