Example sentences of "[that] the government " in BNC.

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1 In February this year , the Minister of Law and Order declared that the government would not repeal its most notorious detention law , section 29 of the Internal Security Act , which permits indefinite , incommunicado detention in solitary confinement for the purposes of interrogation .
2 It is thought that the Government may soon double this fine .
3 He added that the government was also helping local businesses to expand and invest by cutting down on red tape : ‘ If people in business try to expand it is very , very bureaucratic and government approval is needed for most projects . ’
4 Work out the amount that the Government says you need to live on , ( this is called your applicable amount ) .
5 However a DSS Press Release states that the Government has accepted the recommendation of the Social Security Advisory Committee to adopt an alternative approach whereby the circumstances under which unlimited arrears can apply is more explicitly defined .
6 The Commission concludes that the Government should consider options to enhance the local tax base and should make efforts to increase the understanding and acceptability of SSAs .
7 They are undoubtedly right that it has now become clear that the Government will not pay for the expansion it desires at a level which will protect high quality .
8 Is Mr Gilligrew saying that the Government is responsible for every leaf that falls , every poisonous berry that turns purple or crimson ?
9 It is likely that the Government will not fully fund the required expansion in overall student numbers .
10 Is it not enough that the government has a monopoly on war ? ’
11 It calculates that the Government has underfunded the incentive allowances scheme by some £12m a year .
12 Mr Edwards reiterated his warning that the Government would find it impossible to privatise British Coal without such long-term supply deals .
13 Failure to do so would confirm the fear of those who say that the Government is so hell-bent on pursuing ideology that it ignores the pressing needs of our industrial community in the build-up to 1992 .
14 Jimmy Knapp , general secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen , predicted that the Government 's scheme for selling off British Rail would help to guarantee the defeat of the Tories at the next election .
15 He was told that the government department , with general responsibility for arts policy , has no means of helping him to reclaim the bronzes from the Ariadne Galleries in New York .
16 Lord Alexander of Weedon QC , chairman of the Society of Conservative Lawyers , told the annual dinner of the Bar Association of Commerce , Finance and Industry that the Government should accept judges ' views .
17 Alas , every lie told about drugs simply reinforces the potential crack-head 's conviction that the government line is garbage .
18 In many cases , this form of guaranteed sales is running at barely half that of 1989 , when the boom was such that the government was forced to drop limits on subscriptions , which it claimed were forced upon it by lack of newsprint .
19 The Department of Education and Science said yesterday that the Government had spent £19.7m on CTCs and there was a further planned expenditure over the next three years of £106.2m .
20 Christopher Chope , the environment minister , disclosed in May that the Government was prepared to contribute to the professional advice costs of management buyout teams to a maximum of £132,000 .
21 For anxious Conservative MPs in the Home Counties , the Foxley Wood decision is a signal that the Government is listening to them .
22 Fears that the Government was putting constraints on research it commissions were fuelled when , last year , the then DHSS inserted a new clause in its contract with outside researchers .
23 The decisions follow two recent cases over which the Government was widely criticised — the Prime Minister 's refusal to fund a survey of sexual behaviour to further research about the spread of Aids , and a report by the Institute of Fiscal Studies which showed that the Government 's new way of counting people in the poorest category of the population had reduced the number by 1 million .
24 Weekend talk of policy rifts at the highest level and of impending recession , and a perception that the Government is most reluctant to raise interest rates again , caused sterling to collapse to its lowest against the Deutschemark since the celebrated events of March last year .
25 It emerged that the Government is being forced to alter arrangements for protecting security of supply and impose fines on distribution companies that allow power cuts .
26 Last week , she outraged her Commission colleagues by suggesting that the government 's paper , which has unanimous backing , might prove irresistible .
27 They know little about what they are being asked to invest in , but they do believe that the Government 's determination to make the privatisation succeed will ensure that the water authorities are presented as a steal .
28 There is speculation that the Government is working to the rule that for every 4 per cent depreciation of the pound , there would be a 1 point rise in base rates to maintain the tightness of monetary policy .
29 In the absence of a concrete policy towards the pound , the best that the Government can hope for is to ride out the crisis until the next set of trade figures , due on 24 October .
30 But two weeks is a long time when the markets believe that the Government has no clear policy .
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