Example sentences of "[that] [not/n't] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was obvious that not just a few houses , but whole districts including churches , monasteries , and other monuments to past glories would have to be swept aside to allow for the fill appreciation of the splendour of the glorious new order .
2 I could only conclude she was now so weak that not just her body , her mind also had come totally under the Monster 's control .
3 We suppose that not just This is not in fact necessary for salt fingering to occur but it simplifies the presentation .
4 ‘ But so rotten has the policy proved that not even a ‘ taxpayer bail-out ’ could save it .
5 The Labour Party recently publicised a series of financial projections for nine of the 10 authorities that not even the prospectuses will contain .
6 ‘ Uncultured ’ workers loaded manure on to a passenger train bound for Ekaterinburg , so that not even ‘ hares ’ ( passengers without tickets ) would board it .
7 Again , contra Lawrence , it is obvious that for Eliot the idea that modern western society should adopt savage customs is seen as ludicrous and reprehensible , since he believed that not even the lowest of civilized people could adapt themselves to such society without deteriorating and frequently also corrupting the natives .
8 ‘ Kavanagh said the steak was n't great but that the lamb was good , ’ Maggie added but Moran was already on his way out again , muttering that not even simple things were made clear in this house and if simple things could n't be made clear how was a person ever to get from one day to the next in this world .
9 For example , neutron activation analysis ( see glossary ) , one of the techniques used to determine the composition of ancient ceramics , would be impossible without a computer program , since the calculations required are so complex and extensive that not even the most resilient individual armed with a pocket calculator could possibly complete them in a single lifetime .
10 This would be all very well if we were on the high road to eliminating death altogether ; but this is a claim that not even the boldest scientist can make .
11 So that not even a sparrow shall fall to the ground unnoticed by Him ’ .
12 All four films — along with the week 's three major releases — remind one that not even the most talented director can achieve much without a decent screenplay .
13 ( Thus , he said that the Brno Congress had accepted the demand for ‘ personal cultural autonomy ’ , when it had not ; indeed , Lenin made the point that not even the Austrian party had accepted the southern Slav position . )
14 His character is one that not even those envious of his power can disparage him .
15 The web of confusion that has surrounded the whole Nimslo venture is now so tangled that not even Nimslo can say exactly how much investment the company has attracted .
16 I came to realise that not even one 's mind is one 's private reserve but our thoughts are picked up and can not only be read but given to us .
17 Some of these , such as gill and skin flukes , can be medicated , but there are others that not even the world 's greatest pessimist would credit .
18 Emotionally , most of us can understand the sentiments of the Pyrenean village which decided to block its public water fountain , so that not even the thirsty cyclists touring the region should have any incentive to pass through it .
19 Celtic 's 5–1 defeat in Switzerland still irritates Brady , who admits that not even in his playing days did he take part in a recovery of these proportions .
20 On the contrary , all the evidence suggests that not even modernity can stifle spiritual hunger .
21 Like their peers elsewhere in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union , the Communist rulers of Romania were shrewd enough to know that not even village idiots believed the official media .
22 He apparently remarked in his capacity as Minister of Water Affairs that not even socialism ‘ could make water run uphill ’ during a discussion of Ceauşescu 's favourite project to complete the long-abandoned canal linking Bucharest to the Black Sea .
23 And although the sub-text of my increasing thinness ( which I chose to ignore ) read , ‘ I am doing this because I feel so helpless that not even my own body belongs to me ’ , the apparent text read to me , and increasingly to others , ‘ My body is my own and I can do what I like with it . ’
24 In fact , ’ he added softly , ‘ it is all so new that not even you can know her . ’
25 She had a remarkable memory for names and faces , which helped , but above all it was her genuine kindness that not even the most irate could withstand .
26 This is something that not even a Washoe or Lucy , far less a baby calf , begins to approach .
27 The star goes on becoming smaller and smaller , denser and denser , until its gravitational pull has become so enormous that not even light can escape from it .
28 On the edge of Sheffield town centre the eye confronts some long walls the colour of a storm , so forbidding that not even the kids have made their mark .
29 Why trim the grass so short that not even a goat could get its incisors into the chlorophyl ?
30 Standish examines the first two difficulties ; the third is not surprising given Neptune 's long orbital period , 165 years ( so that not even one orbit has been completed since it was discovered ) .
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