Example sentences of "[that] [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 Local authorities have distinctive features , however , that complicate the application of managerial theories .
2 The men and women I met often spoke of regret and loss — not a nostalgia for the past , those glazed memories that falsify the hard history of the working people by claiming that the past was better .
3 Strategies that maximize the individual fitness component may be termed selfish .
4 The role of the state in services for old people should be to create conditions that maximize the ability of the individual , families and the community to cope independently .
5 Presumably these sites were protected from the kinds of influence that normally destroy fish remains , such as the activity of scavenging animals that disarticulate the skeletons , or currents .
6 Political constraint is one of the problems that undermine the capacity of the mass media to appropriately and effectively fulfill their function of building democratic societies and protecting and defending human rights in Africa .
7 In order to resolve that dispute the High Court of Justice , Queen 's Bench Division , referred the following questions to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling :
8 the fraction of civilizations that develop the ability and desire to communicate with others
9 It contains a wide variety of stimulating material to be used both for intensive viewing and for extension activities that develop the language areas covered by the video .
10 Using the information in Fig. 7.2 for BP and assuming a risk-free rate of interest of 10 per cent we may estimate the call values for an in-the-money option expiring in October with an exercise price of 220p , and an out-of-the-money call with an exercise price of 260p expiring in April : Using Table A1.2 ( page 269 ) we may convert d 1 and d 2 into cumulative probabilities : ( the figure of 0.1819 is arrived at by using the two values in the table that bracket the real value and employing straight-line interpolation ) .
11 DataPlace is a purpose-built environment from which companies that lack the office space can run their computer systems .
12 And these pains are suffered in houses that are too small , too densely concentrated together ; houses that are in various stages of dilapidation and decay ; houses that lack the basic amenities taken for granted by most people .
13 Secondly , scientific and technological advances allowing exploitation and exploration of areas not previously susceptible to such activities , and the corresponding increased capacity to exhaust the world 's resources or to monopolise a market , mean that even those States that lack the resources to take advantage themselves are still directly concerned in the activities of others .
14 In the latter case , the physical object is passed on ; in the former , all that is passed on are genes that influence the shape of the nose as it develops .
15 There are three key factors that influence the persistence of traditional budgeting processes .
16 Having once formed , it emanates ‘ morphogenetic fields ’ that influence the form taken by all other crystals of the same kind : and the fields of each new individual combine to provide a ‘ morphic resonance ’ , active across both space and time .
17 Essentially , postclassical criminology sees crime as best accounted for in terms of the factors that influence the likelihood of ‘ given ’ motives being translated into action .
18 In Nottingham we encourage the use of a nomogram that takes account of age , sex , renal function , and body weight , factors that influence the body 's handling of these agents .
19 The factors that influence the size of the proliferative compartment are less clear , though in rats there are genetic differences .
20 Fourthly , and last , there are variations in external context that influence the visionary process .
21 But the identity which a region gives — through collective institutions such as its legal , educational and political systems — can not be provided by individuals alone , through the meanings which they attribute to their lifeworlds : ‘ In this respect the regions contain an explicit collective dimension which has relative independence , being continually reproduced by institutionally embedded power relations that influence the socialization of individuals ’ ( p. 139 ) .
22 This is not to say , however , that various arguments will not be among the important factors that influence the decisions of scientists .
23 We can only break our of this vicious circle by understanding the factors that influence the dietary choices we make .
24 An understanding of the factors that influence the character of social policy must rest upon several foundations .
25 The factors that helped to build them will be examined further in the next two chapters by looking at the forces that influence the making and implementation of social policy .
26 They are used to clarify the relationships that exist between the variables that influence the buying situation , and to predict the outcome of change to these variables .
27 Such models attempt to clarify the relationships between the variables that influence the buying situation , and may assist the marketer to predict the outcome of change in any one or a number of purchase variables .
28 But since the changes do not occur simultaneously throughout the population there are likely to be found , at any given time , differences among population sub-groups in exogenous conditions that influence the health and mortality of very young children .
29 As such , they do not include all the varied elements that influence the distribution of income , but we have supplemented the formal algebra by a qualitative account of the most significant mechanisms that remain to be incorporated .
30 This will be done by examining the social , political , legal and scientific factors that influence the conception and formulation of such agreements and by analysing their perceived effectiveness as revealed through their practical implementation , monitoring and verification procedures .
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