Example sentences of "[not/n't] have to " in BNC.

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1 One of these beliefs may be racial superiority , but does not have to be .
2 The beauty of glass , he wrote , is this , that the surface does not have to be covered .
3 A traditional interior does not have to be incompatible with accommodating whole families , nor with providing meals ; yet an increasing number of old pub interiors are being sacrificed on the altar of the identikit eating house — whether the brewer 's concept be a downmarket steakhouse or part of a family restaurant chain masquerading as an independent local concern .
4 It does not have to be that he has conceived what the French are calling the coup de force for Miss Jonathan . ’
5 Until you are consistently getting the photos you want from inside the photographic sector , you will need to fly some distance beyond the turning point so that you do not have to be in a very steep turn or exactly positioned .
6 These grants however are discretionary — that means they do not have to be given so there will be variations from one district to another .
7 The board can also be used for incline/decline work with barbells and dumb-bells , and does not have to be regarded only as a piece of equipment for exercising the stomach .
8 Sometimes a doctor will send the certificate direct to the Registrar , but it is always necessary for whoever is arranging the funeral to attend at the Registrar 's office , this is usually a close family member but does not have to be .
9 Instructions can be left by those who wish to donate their bodies for research , although these do not have to be followed by the executors .
10 Community care grants do not have to be repaid .
11 They do not have to be paid back .
12 With 156 passengers representing a full trainload , and high-season tickets ( end of May — end of July ) selling at £320 , one does not have to be a brilliant mathematician to get a grasp of the kind of revenue being earned .
13 In fact , one does not have to be a committed deconstructionist to find a split between meaning and rhetoric in the work of recent theorists .
14 Mr Cash and his Friends of Bruges seem to want to fight a battle against federalism today which may not have to be fought at all .
15 The statement does not have to be true or relevant , of course — it just has to sound true and relevant .
16 The requirement for such pleasures is a matter of time and place , and it does not have to be Friday , Berlin or Strasburg , New York or San Francisco .
17 The computers can recognise thousands of words and , unlike older systems , do not have to be trained laboriously for each word .
18 As the first years passed , and the courses of lectures did not have to be prepared out of nothing , he sat at the bay window in the sub-warden 's study , looking out towards the cathedral , and started to write his first book .
19 On the other hand , people do not have to be conscious of the system of production as such .
20 They have to make the system work , of course , but in order to do this , they do not have to be conscious of its nature .
21 Wearing a different one every time she went out would be only normal , particularly since a sari does not have to be washed as frequently as a dress because it is not worn next to the skin .
22 The filmed play does not have to be stagey , nor the filmed look uncinematic , if the adaptation is imaginatively done .
23 With more political troubles looming , the authorities will defend the link , at its present rate , ferociously ; since the market believes that , they may not have to .
24 It does not have to be a long passage , it may only be a verse .
25 Things do not have to be as they are .
26 And he recommends big cereal farmers to register now , because the final commitment does not have to be made until the end of August , when an accurate assessment of how much levy can be saved is known .
27 Mr Slade 's extensive breeding programme within his flock of 400 pedigree ewes has convinced him that terminal sires do not have to be ‘ big and long ’ .
28 But the basic discovery of the Detroit mentality was that a design did not have to be better engineered , more functional or more beautiful than what was already on the market in order to outsell it ; it just had to be newer .
29 These sweet snacks do not have to be eaten each day ( savoury snacks or fruit would be much better ) .
30 You do not have to be tough minded or sombre in mood to acknowledge the truth that the whole concept of A Retreat , in the older senses of the phrase , is now redundant or used up , gone out of mind .
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