Example sentences of "[not/n't] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Look down at the foot of the page and you will probably find others , occurring not so frequently but with regularity and at fixed intervals .
2 Druggets are made in India and the Balkan countries , usually from a combination of goat hair , cotton and jute , and are equally cheap and cheerful , but not so frequently found .
3 In other institutions ( probably because of the greater quantity of compulsory core work ) this was not so frequently referred to .
4 So what we 're going to do is to trail our coats in a variety of sessions , to suggest a variety of things to you , and see whether you agree with them or not so please feel free to come in as and when appropriate and see what you think .
5 No doubt this will shortly be the case , where it is not so already , in other European countries .
6 The immature deliberative faculty will mature ; children have the ‘ possibility apparent ’ of turning into rational beings ( Hobbes ) ; they love to be treated as though they were rational though they are not so yet ( Locke ) ; you can give the prerational child reasons for acting in certain ways and he will turn into the youth who is capable of having principles ( Kant ) .
7 We were n't certain — we wanted a sensible sum for these features — not so high the human ear could n't hear it — nor so low that any kind of practical arrangement was impossible for our chosen correspondents .
8 In Rutland there were very few assessments at £50 in 1522 , and all were prudently reduced to £40 ( more or less ) for the subsidy ; men on £60 or more could not so plausibly shed their surtax liability .
9 Some people do well in these but not so well in the squad ( and vice versa ) , presumably because of the different pressures each brings to bear .
10 Others are not so well informed .
11 Sandys ' proposals were not so well received inside Whitehall .
12 When it comes to television sets , Latin Americans are not so well endowed .
13 A chemical breakdown can be achieved by the addition of any readily available nitrogen source such as sulphate of ammonia , or Nitro-chalk , but these soluble salts can inhibit bacterial action and the end-product is not so well balanced and does not produce such good results .
14 Both of them could attribute their popularity to the fact that in the old days , when opening hours were not so well controlled , they stayed open longer than others , with the result that patrons of The Cock and The Bull were usually the most tipsy .
15 The meanings of Redhead , Cruickshank , Barefoot , are obvious as are those of Thynne and Broad , but those of Callow = bald , and Pendrell = long ears , are not so well known .
16 He was tough and strong , disciplined and unselfish — he was the epitome of the goal-maker , whose efforts were recognised by his colleagues and opponents and by the discerning fan , but were perhaps not so well appreciated by less perceptive onlookers or pressmen .
17 Benjamin Franklin s contribution to the identification of electricity in the form of lightning is well known , but not so well appreciated are the subtlety and simplicity of his apparatus and experiments .
18 Finally , another highly individualistic album : ‘ Metamorphosis ’ by the World Saxophone Quartet ( Elektra-Nonesuch ) ; not so well known in the UK as an ensemble , its members — David Murray ( tenor sax , bass clarinet ) , Oliver Lake ( alto , soprano saxophones and flute ) , Hamiet Bluiett ( baritone sax ) and Arthur Blythe ( alto sax ) — are however individually ( and , as you will find , jointly ) something rather special .
19 But homeotherms are not so well structured to accommodate chronic changes in temperature .
20 Sometimes the final stage of the journey is made by local chartered coach which is not so well equipped , but we do make comfort stops for smokers and sometimes for meals , at the discretion of the crew , at all stages of the journey .
21 But although they might be better mounted , by normal standards , they were not so well horsed for rough riding as were the Borderers on their tough , sure-footed hill ponies ; on this terrain the fleeing men ought to be able to keep ahead .
22 Neighbours who were not so well thought of stood and watched at gun-point , while their homes went up in flames .
23 Do not so well agree ;
24 Particularly in secluded , well sheltered , and not so well ventilated gardens , the open centre — and perhaps also the planting distance between plants so that they do not merge and clash — is more important with Floribundas .
25 As far as possible , a specialist will compare the pottery with other examples ( usually called ‘ parallels ’ ) that have been securely dated , but if the only other examples of a type of pottery are not so well dated , the specialist points this out , giving references to the parallels that have been used .
26 This worked well for those in the A stream but not so well for those in the B stream , and badly for those in the C stream , who got discouraged .
27 5 Now think about what actually happens as your group starts its life on the island sometimes things go well ; sometimes not so well .
28 Although China and Japan were the central areas for martial arts development over the last 2,000 years , many other countries in southeast Asia developed indigenous fighting systems , each of which , though perhaps not so well known , has produced great masters and thousand-years old traditions .
29 The Rorim itself was not so well defended , but they had enough men to neutralise Bragad and hold the gates — for a while .
30 " You know how it is with children ; she 's well one day , not so well the next . "
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