Example sentences of "[not/n't] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In 1547 , after the English victory over the Scots at Pinkie , Huntly was to say ‘ I hold well with the marriage , but I like not this wooing ’ .
2 After lunch , the clerk asks all those who have not this day shot with the captain to withdraw .
3 However , the ‘ Radfahrer frei ’ sign indicates that cycling is allowed , though riders are warned by the cartoon underneath ( Figure 6.28 ) ‘ But not this way ! ’
4 But it was not this way from the beginning .
5 Just not this way . ’
6 But not this way .
7 " Not this way ! "
8 Not this way .
9 It did n't matter if they were town councillors or what , if these policemen said not this way , this way and they said no I live this way , they got a clip in the ear as quick as anything .
10 the question whether or not this government was wise must be judged on very broad grounds .
11 Many of those authorities also have land available which they are able to use with housing associations to provide new build , but they would not have been able to do so had not this Government been in power .
12 All Home Risks policies set out the cover for BUILDINGS , whether or not this cover is currently in force , so we are sending you the new wording , which you should keep with your policy .
13 ‘ Maybe my father would have expected that but certainly not this generation of Serras .
14 It is remarkable that two out of the three patients here described are children under the age of 10 years whose grievous sufferings commenced almost with their birth and would in all probability have continued to their death had not this infirmary been established . ’
15 No it 's not this holiday gives you the choice of either hotels or self catering , situated in the beautiful coast coastal town of Travana , summer in cha , chateau six days , one bed and breakfast , four half board
16 Whether or not this date gets changed , the way to control the Europe-machine is to make sure that national parliaments and peoples thoroughly discuss Europe 's next constitution before they send their ministers to negotiate it .
17 It would be better if they had full barriers , not this system , ’ added Mrs Davis .
18 So support composite eight , composite ten , motion two seven eight and motion two eight three with that qualification , emergency motion number two and let's campaign for any effective policy for jobs and recovery and not this nonsense that is served up every week from this silly government .
19 Does not this inclination arise from his believing in the goodness , the worth , of what has this property and from his belief that its goodness is an important ethical truth ?
20 Not this dream you were telling us about , was it ?
21 She 's built like a rugby player , could probably put Ferg over her shoulder , but not this girl .
22 And is not this medium the same with that medium by which light is refracted and reflected — and by whose vibrations light communicates heat to bodies ?
23 And is not this medium exceedingly more rare and subtle than the air and exceedingly more elastic and active ?
24 ‘ Bearing in mind that the essence of the proceedings is whether or not this lady had to give up these premises , it seems to me that , although he may not have been correct in thinking that the relief sought in the counterclaim was a matter for judicial review , the issue could without doubt be better dealt with by separate proceedings .
25 Over the years there has been much debate as to whether or not this state of affairs is really acceptable even given the fact that these industries are highly independent bodies .
26 There 's something I 'm going to have out with you , but not tonight , not this night .
27 Is not this school damned ?
28 The Court of Appeal overruled the decision on the facts , but not this interpretation of the general law .
29 Well is er Mr the issue which the inspectors ought to be er addressing themselves whether or not this land serves a greenbelt purpose , or not ?
30 One of the er matters that er one needs to apply one 's mind to in considering whether or not this land serves a greenbelt function or not , is to look at the land and assess whether or not it is more closely associated with the village or more closely associated with the er agricultural open land beyond the village .
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