Example sentences of "[not/n't] at first " in BNC.

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1 Not at first , ’ she said and he sensed a faint diffidence creep into her voice .
2 If the outside world did not at first grasp its significance , the Israeli leadership positively refused to do so .
3 The girl 's eyes did not at first stray in my direction so I was able in safety to look at her , to examine her , for quite some time .
4 When he woke up , chilled and stiff , he could not at first understand where on earth he was nor where he had come from .
5 When he woke up , chilled and stiff , he could not at first understand where on earth he was nor where he had come from .
6 But around the 1400-ft contour , there is excitement in plenty although it is not at first apparent .
7 They were mainly concerned to cement national unity and did not at first grasp the complexities of the problem and its interaction with political opposition , particularly among the Miskitu .
8 He suggested inducing seizures in rats by repeatedly dosing them with the drug lignocaine , in small amounts that do not at first induce seizures .
9 Not at first sight by the 19th century , which has John Keats reading medicine , Samuel Taylor Coleridge playing with chemistry , and Mary Shelley writing science fiction .
10 ‘ So — do n't — or at least , not at first .
11 There was some difference that she could not at first put her finger on , and then at last it came to her ; it was she who had said ‘ We shall go ’ and their presence in the forest had flowed from that .
12 Having himself come from a close family he did not at first regard his wife 's involvement with Chloe as unusual .
13 Handel , hymns and hospitals do not at first appear to have very much in common , but the first two have helped maintain the latter , in at least two places , for 100 years .
14 This may not at first seem obvious , but there is a connection .
15 It is not at first clear what these people had to offer Wordsworth , though he tried to help them .
16 In the sciences it is a commonplace , not at first sight disturbing , that physics began by simulating Euclid 's demonstrations in geometry , and that the inverse square law of gravitation became the model for another in electro-magnetism , that ‘ waves ’ of sound or light are suggested by waves on water , and the genetic ‘ code ’ by language .
17 The headquarters ' 38-set ( see Appendix 5 ) could not contact Ryder on the MGB and Newman did not at first realise how few men were ashore .
18 I was told that one reason why many Conservative politicians were sympathetic towards our Report was because they did not at first realise that our insistence that all children should speak and write Standard English did not involve any recommendation about RP .
19 The other member , who might have been expected to buy it for his own son , a young man recently qualified in law , did not at first do so ; he said business was unreliable , there were not enough clients , the reputation of the firm had been allowed to run down .
20 They were not at first acute and Celia supposed that they could be due to indigestion and therefore a false alarm .
21 When , in March , she realised her period was overdue , Liza did not at first worry .
22 Wrapped in her own thoughts , she did not at first hear what her husband was saying and only became aware of his monologue when Hank said : ‘ Say , Dad , that 'll be good . ’
23 Even when the conflict entered the public domain , the significance of what came to be described as ‘ The Scandal of Tyndale ’ was not at first apparent .
24 This did not at first include the canon of the Mass , but the momentum of change was such in the early post-conciliar period — moreover , the absurdity of retaining an isolated island of Latin was so obvious — that this quickly followed .
25 The second episode which Mrs Whitehouse says she remembers with a mixture of ‘ amusement and incredulity ’ involved a scene in which Alf and his son-in-law were in the living room reading : Mike , a football book , and Alf a book that can not at first be seen .
26 It was not at first shared by most serf-owners in the provinces , or indeed by most of the great landowners among senior officials .
27 Perhaps I was not at first sight the most employable of people .
28 This last may be a source of considerable disquiet and one might not at first see how such obviously ‘ immoral ’ content could be defended as part of a system of morality .
29 Something struck his face , though he did not at first realise what it was .
30 I did n't reply , not at first .
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