Example sentences of "[not/n't] of the " in BNC.

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1 Intel was the last to join the RISC bandwagon , Slater notes — repeating a comment made some time ago by Intels ' Dave House , that RISC was ‘ the last hope of the have-nots ’ — now it seems Intel is the have-not of the RISC marketplace .
2 ‘ Theory ’ , to be intellectually respectable , has to be presented as such , and to be a product of the academy , not of the amorphous institution of literature .
3 For a time teachers of literature could assume that they were in but not of the academy , and keep a healthy distance from institutional pressures .
4 Annoyed as we may be at having the cardinal terms left thus undefined ( for Pound proceeds no further towards defining them ) , we are compelled to see that this criticism is not of the chalk-or-cheese , sheep-and-goats variety ; the discrimination proposed is more subtle — between a quality in poetry that is ‘ nearly always ’ a virtue ( ’ I can think of no case where it is not' ) , and an opposite quality that is ‘ not always ’ a fault .
5 ‘ My anticipation is that we will certainly see a rise on Monday — not of the same proportion , but there 's clearly going to be a rise .
6 For a start , much of that earlier patronage was for the benefit of the patrons and not of the public .
7 This was claimed to be the work not of the IRA proper , but of the Irish National Liberation Army , an offshoot of it .
8 In this sense this imposed consciousness is a false consciousness for those who are dominated , since it serves the purposes of the superiors but not of the inferiors .
9 There are no weekends , every day is a potential workday … rains may interrupt the activities of the men … but not of the women .
10 It is a system where a reasonably educated person would have heard of Homer but never of Kalidas , of Ibsen but rarely of Tagore , of Joan of Arc but not of the Rani of Jhansi ( another woman who took arms to try to drive the British out of her country ) , of Goethe but not of his contemporary the great Urdu poet Mirza Ghalib .
11 The fact that the church was not of the highest architectural quality eased some of the problems that could have been associated with its conversion into flats .
12 For one of so gentle a character he could be extraordinarily defiant of gamekeepers , and threatening letters to my father passed on to him with added threats were not of the slightest avail .
13 Why then , it will be asked , do ‘ visible extension and figures come to be called the same name with tangible extension and figures , if they are not of the same kind with them ’ ?
14 The presumption that the husband is the father of his wife 's children is one that can be overthrown only by evidence of the most cogent , even though not of the most direct , kind .
15 A statute called Quia Emptores ( 1290 ) had enacted that whenever a tenant alienated his land for an estate in fee simple , the alienee should hold , not of the alienor , but of the alienor 's lord .
16 The stillness , the poise , of perfect symmetry are not of the everyday world .
17 A similar criticism could have been made against many of Jesus 's parables and sermons and some of his listeners were certainly not of the highest social class .
18 Against this was the tradition that Nonconformity was the religion of ‘ the people ’ and not of the ‘ privileged classes ’ .
19 This was the voice of the ‘ grass roots ’ and not of the annual meetings in London .
20 The downtown antique shops which clustered in the streets off the Marktplatz sold the bric-a-brac , not of the nineteenth but of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries .
21 That requires a major re-examination of our programme — though not of the philosophy on which it is based .
22 He had come across very few others not of the Kind , with that strength of vision .
23 Ryle 's point is that , since the terms ‘ mind ’ and ‘ body ’ are not of the same category , it is illegitimate to relate them logically in this way .
24 Also , the engines originally ran on ‘ Pool ’ petrol which was not of the best quality .
25 Van Kol 's resolution won a majority of the committee , but not of the Congress .
26 An implication of differentiation theory but not of the associative theory , therefore , is that mere exposure to a pair of stimuli without their being followed by any special consequences should be enough to enhance their discriminability .
27 It was an approach not of the land-users themselves but of their rulers , and therefore it is necessary to discuss briefly what the colonial rulers ' political and economic interests were , and in what way they related to the people of colonised areas and to the natural resources they found there .
28 He thought he knew Ash fairly well , as well as anyone might know a man whose life seemed to be all in his mind , who lived a quiet and exemplary married life for forty years , whose correspondence was voluminous indeed , but guarded , courteous and not of the most lively .
29 In discussions of the recent Italian novel , however , most attention has been focused on its treatment not of the future , but of the past .
30 As with males , this is not a reference to the side-effects of hot-blooded Latin lovers , but means any object that is found in the body but is not of the body .
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