Example sentences of "[not/n't] having [be] " in BNC.

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1 Where these is no need for a retained iron structure to accept enlarged loads and it is apparent that the metal members are in food condition , not having been subjected to detrimental modifications , the chief consideration in re-using the installation is to achieve an acceptable standard of fire resistance .
2 This was because the £3 3s. 0d. subscription was still the same as in 1907 not having been increased , making the return on the bond if taken as golf still only around the 3% level , clearly the capital could earn better interest elsewhere .
3 As I walked in the door I was greeted by a new son and a strange emotional mixture of delight and disappointment at not having been there .
4 The greatest mistake was the conflict of lights — the windows not having been darkened , though countless thousands of wax candles were lighted .
5 I am writing to apologise for not having been in touch to arrange a time to visit your new editing facility in Wellington Square .
6 you are regarded as not having been made redundant at all ;
7 In his report , Coleman suggested that the ‘ prodigious loss of horses was due to expert advice not having been sought when the outbreak started ’ .
8 Do not use a social setting for suddenly coming out with all the reservations you may have or the frustrations you may feel at not having been consulted properly .
9 The first sign that you are making real progress in learning to fly is that such mishaps become rarer and , eventually , uncommon despite the model not having been changed in any way .
10 The census of 1785 confirms that the Titfords were still on Pig Street , not having been driven out by the noise of falling stone or splintering wood ; not that noise would have been anything unusual for them — they already had Thomas Addams ' blacksmith 's shop down the street , and the ringing sound of metal on metal emanating from there must have mingled nicely with the constant clip-clop of horses ' hooves as Henry Webley went about his business as the Bristol carrier a few doors away .
11 ‘ And though some people may damn me irrevocably and for ever , in the nature of things my profession and my work will open new relations to me , that much fresher for not having been frozen , hardened , and made sterile by old prejudices . ’
12 As the plane from London bounced along the runway at Ciampino airport , Nora congratulated herself on not having been sick , even during the bumpy moments as they flew over the Alps .
13 Not having been trained in school formalities , there is no reason why they should associate her test questions with the need to make explicit answers , or why they should pretend that the questioner is not there as the ‘ detached ’ answer requires .
14 And indeed , as Daly sees women as having become ‘ mutants ’ or ‘ fembots ’ , so Millett sees them as not having been allowed to participate in fully ‘ human ’ activities ( which she characterises as those that are most remote from the biological contingencies of life ) , and Frye sees them as simply ‘ broken ’ and then ‘ remade ’ in the way that suits their masters .
15 In a later case in which service had been attempted in Belgium , the Belgian Central Authority certified that service had proved impossible , the defendant not having been found at the address given .
16 That 's sounds very reasonable but I I er I I ha not having been at the level , form tutor
17 There are two parents aged between twenty and forty-five , legally married to each other , and not having been married to anyone else previously .
18 Not having been associated with people with his range of peculiarities , I wondered whether they were the materials of his prejudices .
19 Alix , naturally , was almost ( but not quite ) overwhelmed with guilt , at not grieving enough , at not having been the perfect wife , at having ceased to love Sebastian .
20 The other members of the Nostromo 's crew were splattered with animal guts , not having been warned beforehand , so that their reactions were real and spontaneous .
21 The point in both appeals was whether the jury should have been allowed to hear the tape recording of the appellant 's interview with the police when they requested it after retirement , it not having been played to them during the course of the trial .
22 Our man on the iceberg was clearly miffed at not having been picked up .
23 ‘ The action is an action for money had and received ; and it is brought upon this ground ; namely , that the money was paid to the defendant without any consideration ; the duty , for which , and in respect of which he received it , not having been imposed by lawful or sufficient authority to warrant the same .
24 The excess was held to be recoverable as not having been paid voluntarily .
25 ‘ The action is an action for money had and received ; and it is brought upon this ground ; namely , that the money was paid to the defendant without any consideration ; the duty , for which , and in respect of which he received it , not having been imposed by lawful or sufficient authority to warrant the same .
26 The trial judge refused , however , to set aside the charge , ‘ it not having been established that the bank or its officers exercised any undue influence over Mrs. Perry . ’
27 The union , not having been consulted , did not cooperate in supplying recruits ; many men refused to transfer and the reserve never reached its anticipated size .
28 I sometimes think they have a neurosis about not having been in the blitz . ’
29 Here , the elements which are selected as focal ( them , he , and was ) are not new in the sense of not having been mentioned before , but they are new in the sense of being in some way contrastive .
30 It was held that S was liable because , the judgment against B not having been satisfied , title to the timber remained with E.
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