Example sentences of "[not/n't] party [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the appeal of the romantic movement does not explain why those who were not party to it , such as Michael Faraday , who was a visionary and wrote beautifully , have been completely written out of conventional histories of 19th century Britain , as if he ( and David Brewster and Thomas Henry Huxley and the rest ) were just peripheral figures , keeping things ticking along so that statesmen could make grand decisions and the widening of human understanding could be left to poets .
2 That was , Lord Jauncey said , a clear undertaking by TBL not to exercise its statutory powers for a period that could last for as long as any one of the parties to the agreement remained a shareholder and long after the control of TBL had passed to shareholders who were not party to the agreement .
3 But the angels of hell are not party to the councils of heaven .
4 The Company is not party to any arrangement to enable any Director or his family to acquire benefit through the acquisition of any shares , debentures or loan stock of any other company .
5 In fact , the 1907 Hague Conventions were not formally applicable to that conflict , because several of the belligerents were not party to them , and under the so-called ‘ general participation clause ’ the Hague Conventions could not therefore apply even between those who were parties .
6 Alford distinguishes the lay popular interest in development of services as the third and largely repressed force : it is not organized as a permanent lobby and is not party to the agenda setting between the monopolists and the rationalizers .
7 It is difficult to believe that the historians were not party to such constructions , although Goody might justifiably envisage that such honourable men as Thucydides would have been shocked if his material had been manipulated in this way by the politicians .
8 Interestingly , Egypt described the Memorandum as changing the United States ' role from one of ‘ partner ’ ( but not party to the Peace Treaty ) to one of ‘ arbiter ’ which it considered inappropriate .
9 The incomer might not agree to any existing house rules or feel that they can ignore them because they were not party to them initially .
10 The House of Lords held that since the ship owners were not party to any contract with the tug owners ( the arrangements had been made by the charterers of the ship ) the secondary action was , again , illegal .
11 But that 's something we 're not party to .
12 Nothing was omitted , no aspect of her being was not party to this miraculous moment of ultimate sharing , and in the final vibration of the after-shock set up by the last incredible convulsion of ecstasy , she heard Luke gasping her name and understood that she did n't hate him and never had .
13 This was not possible as BBA has some 325 member banks in all and most of these are not party to the agreement .
14 Having said that , the hon. and learned Member for Burton makes a good point : it would offend against the views of ordinary persons and would be a crying sense of injustice if people who were not party to the aggravated crime and who had sought to distance themselves from it were found guilty because the balance of probabilities had fallen on them to prove their innocence .
15 However , such an agreement should not prejudice other Network members who are not party to the ad hoc arrangement .
16 Note that the contract can not bind those who are not party to it .
17 A Pakistan Foreign Office spokesman said on July 6 , however , that Pakistan was not party to any attempt to evade export controls .
18 A spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir said that he did not see " any change or sign of moderation " in the PNC resolutions and that the PLO " was not party to the political process and we will not negotiate with it " .
19 Just how that 's going to be accomplished we do n't know , we 're not party to the discussions , we understand that the Greater York authorities do plan to meet shortly after the end of this examination , but just what further work is necessary before they then get onto the location aspects we do n't know about that , all I would say is that we would expect final plan to have the general location of a new settlement embodied in in that plan before it is approved .
20 Phillipon told reporters that Quebec and Nova Scotia are not party to the framework since they had broken ranks with a 1991 provinical agreement to disdain unilateral compensation by earlier this year unveiling vastly discrepant compensation programmes .
21 ( See also Norwich City Council v Harvey [ 1989 ] 1 All ER 1180 where a similar clause was held to prevent the imposition of a tortious duty of care on a sub-contractor who was not party to the contract . )
22 Such indemnities , transferring liabilities incurred to third parties , will be particularly useful in cases where a contracting party may incur liability to a person not party to the contract , which therefore can not be excluded by contract : for instance , a manufacturer might require a distributor or retailer to indemnify it against tortious product liability claims by consumers injured by the product .
23 ‘ That , too , Father , I confess , though we were not party to it .
24 It is extremely positive it sta , it clears these points up and and answers most of these questions so I would urge Mr Chairman that to on sheer education , on terms of provision of services , I 'm not party to all of the politics , I agree with what you said , absolutely crazy .
25 The Vendor is not party in relation to the Business or subject to any contract , covenant , commitments or arrangement of an onerous , unusual or long-term nature or having any provision which might reasonably be regarded as material for disclosure to a purchaser for value of the Business nor is it party to any contract likely to be unprofitable or to any contract made otherwise than in the ordinary and usual course of business as now carried on .
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