Example sentences of "[be] seen that " in BNC.

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1 The state has no role in the appointment of bishops and the juridical processes of church and state are kept entirely separate , though it will be seen that a number of administrative procedures reflect a direct link .
2 It can now be seen that these pieces of equipment constitute a basic gym around which routines for both beginners and advanced trainers can be structured .
3 However , when these figures are broken down , it can be seen that certain groups , such as single women over 75 , are less likely to have an occupational pension , and , if they do , the average amount is less .
4 If Ashton 's Scènes de Ballet is compared with Balanchine 's Ballet Imperial , it will be seen that Balanchine rarely breaks away from the classical technique as practised in petipa 's day when Tchaikovsky wrote the music .
5 It can be seen that the physician or doctor will have to bear both factors in mind when deciding if the time when a drug is to be taken is important ( see also Chapter 14 ) .
6 It can be seen that this very advantage now becomes disadvantageous after a time-zone transition when an adjustment of our body to new local time is required .
7 Thus it can be seen that there is a clear relationship between the depth of each habitable room which is confined to the width of a church 's nave arcade bay and the usable area of the related existing window in the side wall .
8 It can be seen that by piecemeal legislation great strides have been made towards equality between the sexes as regards legal status , rights and liabilities .
9 The home team were without Richards but fielded a young man named Everton Mattis who , on representative debut , accomplished a rare feat : his 62 was more than all the other batsmen put together and , since Haynes got 34 , it will be seen that the others had a collective off-day par excellence .
10 It will be seen that English law does this up to a point , and in the process seems to accept social-defence arguments as reasons for departing from several of the principles set out in Chapter 3 .
11 It will be seen that this is the Caldwell/Lawrence formula for recklessness ( analysed in Chapter 5.3 ( c ) ) , and is virtually the same as the test for the separate offence of causing death by reckless driving .
12 It will therefore be seen that many of the issues involved here are similar to those raised by the law of involuntary manslaughter , save for the fact that driving offences constitute deviations from a code of conduct on which all persons are tested before they are granted driving-licences .
13 But , as with any archaeological object , such interpretations can be made only when we have a secure idea of when and where a coin was made , and the methods of dating coins and attributing them to mints is therefore discussed first in Chapter 2 , where it will also be seen that the same techniques for dating and attributing coins can sometimes be turned round , using coins to date other objects or to identify places .
14 It can be seen that there is a wide variation , especially where the number of dies in a year is small .
15 In retrospect it can be seen that the most fatal blunder of the campaign was John Smith 's Budget — proclaimed at the time as ‘ an unparalleled act of honesty by any opposition party going into an election ’ .
16 If only prudent allowance is made for the loss of Sir Charles 's personal cross-party vote , the participation of three other candidates and the tactical switch of a significant number of Labour supporters , it will be seen that Mr Taylor 's defeat was indeed a close run thing .
17 From this brief survey it will be seen that Miller 's judgment was not confined to , nor his expertise solely directed towards , blooms of roses , ; rather he considered them as shrubs , studying their form of growth and additional bonus of foliage and fruit .
18 It will be seen that the variations on this passive kind of projection are infinite .
19 It can be seen that , as the point of decision making moves more and more into the information side of the system , the significance of in-built values and assumptions expands considerably and the qualitative nature of those assumptions also changes .
20 In summary , it can be seen that there are a number of functional processes which are concerned with obtaining and distributing resources efficiently .
21 However , reflecting back on Hofstede 's definition of a budget system as enabling management more effectively to plan , co-ordinate , control and evaluate the activities of an organisation , it can be seen that there are a number of significant management elements in the budgetary process as well .
22 As such it can be seen that this is not a zero-based allocation system or a total formula-based system .
23 Therefore , it can be seen that the application of the rational and political framework is a valuable way of identifying the underlying approach to budgeting in a school .
24 This view shows the station still under construction and it will be seen that a temporary track has been laid up the ramp to Infirmary Road to enable materials to be offloaded .
25 It will be seen that work on the new bore is well advanced in this view from 30th June 1951 .
26 It can be seen that continued administration of the remedy once the disease disturbance has been overcome will result in the presence of an energy pattern of the remedy itself i.e. a proving .
27 Yet it can be seen that the provision of residential care , in particular short term care , is vital to the future of our mentally handicapped community .
28 So it can be seen that what was originally a technical question of the definition of tolerable rates of soil loss is a crucial , and deeply ideological one , and therefore not amenable to the cut-and-dried standards of proof on empirical grounds .
29 It can be seen that this was essentially the plan put forward by Stirling in his original submission for the attack .
30 When one considers the advantages of permanent pasture , and compares relative costs of improving old swards and reseeding to leys , it will be seen that the apparent increase in productivity of leys may be largely offset by these other factors .
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