Example sentences of "[be] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The inexorable way in which it became directed towards , or associated with a ‘ god ’ of some sort , can be regarded as having no other significance than to be a source of evidence that without a god and religion in some form , there would be for man an intolerable vacuum in his existence .
2 To be for animal welfare , as distinct from merely being against animal cruelty , is to believe that we have a duty to improve the quality of animal life , by ensuring — so far as this is possible — that other animals are the beneficiaries of what is good for them , not merely that we should avoid being cruel to them .
3 Should the requirement be for text with the occasional graphic such as a bar chart or line drawing thrown in then many of those just mentioned will look after this as well .
4 Indeed , the remaining debate between the British and other Member States on this matter now centres on the question of how much regulation ( or restriction on the freedom to trade ) there should be for banking services .
5 In all cases the premises ought to be defined by reference to a plan , probably stated to be for identification purposes only unless the plan is supposed to take precedence over the verbal description of the premises .
6 The precedent suggests the inclusion of a plan and , while it is suggested that where the premises are clearly defined there is no necessity for a plan , there is little doubt that a plan stated to be for identification purposes ( and thereby preventing the plan from prevailing over the verbal description ) is advisable .
7 A good example of this is nuisance , for you can be liable for nuisance through the agency of your animals , just as you can be for nuisance through the agency of anything else you own .
8 It is n't uncommon for a record contract to allow for a royalty increase of I per cent throughout each year of the agreement , and for this to be raised once certain sales figures have been reached ( commonly , this might be for gold and platinum status albums ) .
9 There nevertheless remain some aspects of the scheme which demonstrate how difficult it seems to be for government to jettison the original ideas of the Beveridge Report ; for example , the Invalid Care Allowance ( ICA ) , which was introduced as recently as 1976 , is not payable to married women on the grounds that they are likely to be at home anyway and hence not in need of compensation for giving up paid work in order to care for a chronically sick person in their household ( Groves and Finch , 1983 ) ; the tax system ( which is not under detailed discussion here ) still assumes that all men need an additional allowance to help pay for the cost of ‘ keeping ’ a wife .
10 However , the final decision will be for government and they will wish to review all the options .
11 Promises by management that employment would be for life and the concentration of labour unions within specific firms were in practice a post-war innovation designed to overcome the crisis caused by severe labour unrest following the democratic reforms of the US Occupation .
12 If it 's to be for life .
13 But marriage , well , after all it 's supposed to be for life , is n't it ? ’
14 ‘ They had been discussing the idea that a pet should be for life not just for Christmas and decided to take the idea a step further , ’ she said .
15 But it should be for work done each day or week — not a promise that hangs on results .
16 SHOULD the personable Steve Norris fail to impress as an under-secretary at the Transport Department , it should not be for want of preparation .
17 SHOULD the personable Steve Norris fail to impress as an under-secretary at the Transport Department , it should not be for want of preparation .
18 One possibility would be for water companies to install phosphate strippers in sewage works , and machinery to keep water moving in reservoirs , as the blooms do not form on active surfaces .
19 The more Jane Holt mulled things over in her mind , the less cause there seemed to be for alarm .
20 He despised her looks now , so he scoffed at the idea that it could be for sex .
21 The ultimate food for the display of cultural capital today is the nouvelle cuisine , which refuses any suggestion that food might be for sustenance , a minimalist food which emphasizes the aesthetic of presentation , an austere but cultivated pleasure .
22 It must surely be for Parliament to lay down the procedures which are to be followed before a Bill can become an Act .
23 It must be for Parliament to decide whether its decreed procedures have in fact been followed .
24 It must be for Parliament to lay down and to construe its Standing Orders and further to decide whether they have been obeyed : it must be for Parliament to decide whether in any particular case to dispense with compliance with such orders .
25 It must be for Parliament to lay down and to construe its Standing Orders and further to decide whether they have been obeyed : it must be for Parliament to decide whether in any particular case to dispense with compliance with such orders .
26 It must be for Parliament to decide whether it is satisfied that an Act should be passed in the form and with the wording set out in the Act .
27 It must be for Parliament to decide what documentary material or testimony it requires and the extent to which Parliamentary privilege should attach .
28 When Lord Morris stated ‘ It must surely be for Parliament to lay down the procedures which are to be followed before a Bill can become an Act .
29 It must be for Parliament to decide whether its decreed procedures have in fact been followed ’ , was he referring to procedures laid down in Standing Orders or in Acts of Parliament ?
30 ‘ the clearest and simplest remedy for this evil of litigation about charity , by which so often the kindly intention of a testator is defeated , and still more often a considerable part of the benefaction is wasted in legal costs , would be for Parliament to enact a modern definition or classification of charities on some broad lines .
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