Example sentences of "[be] a case " in BNC.

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1 Rather it will be a case of the researcher finding a means of recording and sorting the mass of detail which continuously bombards him and presents him with the lateral possibilities which make the discipline potentially dangerous .
2 ‘ Might there not be a case for putting the initial interview in the hands of an educational psychologist skilled in eliciting a history without being committed to what the social workers revealingly call ‘ disclosure ’ ? ' , he suggested .
3 There might even be a case for a standardised calculator to be used in all A , AS and GCSE examinations nationally .
4 But when it comes to the Social Charter there may well be a case for slowing the grandiose Delors ideas .
5 The elder son of Chile 's ex-dictator and ( still ) army commander , General Augusto Pinochet , may be a case in point .
6 If an accident happens as a result of driving which deviates from the proper standard , then that may well be a case of negligence even if the driver had never thought of the risk in that particular case , because the driver is presumed to know the Highway Code .
7 WP I suppose Scotland could be a case in point , with the status given to writers such as Burns and MacDiarmid who are national as much as literary figures .
8 In terms of Parisian exhibitions , it often seems to be a case of feast or famine .
9 For if one of the main results of this election is that the Labour Party ditches Mr Kinnock as leader in favour of Mr Smith , it could well be a case of reculer pour mieux sauter — a kind of Pyrrhic defeat .
10 They currently co-operate well on an informal basis but there could be a case for a more formal liaison such as was seen in Germany .
11 A note to William Watson suggests that there might be a case of mistaken identity in an abstract he presented from the Flora Sibirica on Sphondylium vulgare hirsutum [ i.e. Heracleum sphondylium ] .
12 DES Circular 11/87 , referred to above , said that there would never be a case for a teacher advocating homosexual behaviour to pupils .
13 There may be a case for replacing her with someone else later , having a series of nurses rather than a permanent one , in case she becomes overemotionally involved .
14 It may be a case for argument that people are less willing to accept patronising notions from people in superior positions .
15 If we ignore the business , then it would be a case of the law of the jungle taking over . ’
16 I believe tobacco-smoke is the most effectual , but to one not a smoker it would require to be a case of hiring another to the office of smoking away the midges — a work many would gladly undertake , for tobacco is looked on in the Highlands as a very great good , almost as essential as the whiskey .
17 There may be a case for greater flexibility in the housing market , but a reduced public sector and probable higher housing costs will do little to reduce the national homelessness figures of over 100,000 .
18 In terms of both sharing the problem , and sharing the solution , there is likely to be a case for the establishment , in secondary schools at any rate , of consultative committees — with governor and parent representation - on curriculum and resources .
19 The only scenario in which there would be a case for building a PWR as soon as possible on the grounds of plant shortage involves a sustained increase ( 4 per cent growth per annum ) in manufacturing output from 1979/80 .
20 She did not see that if he had had rabbit for dinner it would be a case of ‘ Poor Flopsy Bunnies ’ ’ ( White , 1954 , p.35 ) .
21 From the upper echelons this seems to be a case for rationalisation but from below it seems that their raison d'être is being removed with the closure of schools , bus services , etc .
22 There may be a case for sometimes deliberately providing ‘ too many ’ or ‘ too few ’ of , for example , straws for bottles , to enable children to verbalise what they , in some cases , intuitively see .
23 It appears to be a case of my fingers not doing what my brain tells them to do !
24 There may be a case for downward movement inside the ERM as the French achieved in the mid-1980s , or even a case for a one-off devaluation as the Swedes undertook in 1982 .
25 ‘ It would be a case of last one out , turn off the lights .
26 All three players could fetch the required £2m , so it could be a case of first come , first served , with Barton the favourite to go .
27 But it 's got to be a case of saying ‘ hello ’ and then getting on with business .
28 This may be a case of inadequate actualization , and this would call for a change of technique .
29 ‘ We had one building where staff always complained of being sick , with suggestions that it might be a case of sick building syndrome .
30 Where such pupils also have speech impairments , there may be a case for exempting them altogether from — or modifying — some of the assessment arrangements , even if they continue to pursue the attainment targets and programmes of study .
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