Example sentences of "[be] under the " in BNC.

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1 Whatever future peace Lebanon can obtain , it is not going to be under the power-sharing system that existed before the start of the civil war .
2 For instance , an individual may be under the jurisdiction of his own laws even when in a different territory .
3 He was determined to be under the same roof as his chapel .
4 The fireplan would be under the control of the company once it moved from its final assault position on to the enemy position .
5 If Looking on the Bright Side ( 1932 ) is sometimes spoilt by the fact that the director , Basil Dean , seems to be under the impression he is making a sophisticated Hollywood musical , the scenes in the tenement block where Fields and her songwriter lover first meet are genuinely stirring .
6 A Midland spokesman said : ‘ The assets of the trust have been and continue to be under the control of the trustee whose objective remains that of insuring that the interests of the investors are protected . ’
7 On present evidence , that would be welcome : a reunited Germany with Mr Kohl as its first chancellor is likely to be more prosperous , and stabler , than it would be under the Social Democrats .
8 But need a group of businesses be under the control of a central corporate team at all ?
9 Taken broadly , this view of philosophical knowledge as having to do with ‘ causes ’ shows Hobbes to be under the same Aristotelian influences as Bacon .
10 The celibate woman was seen as having been freed from the ‘ curse of Eve ’ , to bear children in sorrow and to be under the domination of the male .
11 Manu , the famous ancient Hindu law-giver , said that in her childhood the woman must be under the control of her father ; in her adult life she must be under her husband 's control and in her old age her son must control her .
12 He believed that women are to be adored for their naturalness , but because this makes them vulnerable and subject to extremes of temperament , they should also be under the control of their husbands .
13 Our kings and emperors , who take the place of the almighty ruler in this world , are set above all other pastors ; and it is entirely incongruous that those whom Christ , mindful of his flock , has constituted princes of this earth [ i.e. bishops ] , should be under the dominion of any but those who excel all mortals by the blessing of God and the glory of their crown .
14 Yet it was to be under the new regime , for all the difficulties of the power-struggle at home , rather than under the strong rule of Henri II , that the French were to come in force to the aid of Mary of Guise against the Scottish heretics ; for the effective rulers of the two countries were now , after all , the two Guise brothers in France and their sister the regent in Scotland .
15 More than 150,000 children are already educated in grant-maintained schools but , if the prediction is correct , two thirds of all state school pupils in England and Wales could be under the new system .
16 It is likely that the stem cells maintain their characteristic state by virtue of their position in the basal layer where they may be under the influence of a deeper layer of cells .
17 I had tried to be first in order to get it over with quickly but now it was clear that I would be under the gaze of most if not all of the class .
18 The Scheme will be under the administration of the Committee .
19 All Home Improvement Loan borrowers who are resident in the UK , in employment and who will be under the age of 65 when the loan expires are eligible .
20 Alternatively , if there are differences between Ministers , these can often be resolved by a meeting of two or three Ministers , if need be under the chairmanship of a Minister-without-Portfolio .
21 Almost 60 per cent of those displaced were reported to be under the age of eighteen .
22 ‘ This meeting , having taken into consideration the proceedings of former meetings , and being informed that many respectable persons delay giving their names as subscribers while the proceedings of the committee are subject to be reported to the Odiham Society , and are under the controul [ sic ] thereof , find it expedient to detach themselves from that Society , the work on which they are engaged being of so considerable importance , the reformation and improvement of Farriery , requiring that it should be confined to that purpose and use alone , and be under the sole management and control of its own members .
23 Every attack was accompanied by the certain knowledge that within a couple of hours I 'd be under the knife .
24 Any one of us could be under the same sort of misapprehension without even realizing it .
25 The city would be under the protection of the League of Nations ; its territory would include Zoppot and the surrounding farmlands .
26 Whatever you do next , by way of confronting the parent involved , must be under the influence of the fifth commandment , ‘ Honour your father and your mother ’ , and Ephesians 4:15 , ‘ speaking the truth in love ’ .
27 The money supply ( MS ) is also exogenous — it is assumed to be under the control of the monetary authorities and does not respond to changes in r or Y.
28 The supply of money is assumed to be under the control of the monetary authorities and is not influenced by changes in national income or in interest rates .
29 Under current proposals this will mean that a partnership or unlimited company so composed will be under the same accounting ( and presumably also disclosure ) requirements as a limited company .
30 This is as it should be under the constitution of the United Kingdom .
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