Example sentences of "[be] after the " in BNC.

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1 Grand weather to be after the girls or the rabbits . ’
2 A sweet young thing from Smash Hits is n't going to be after the same kind of material as some cerebral haircut boy from Melody Maker or a hack from your local paper .
3 I know how tired she must be after the journey .
4 It will have to be after the weekend . ’
5 Navigation seemed to be after the style of painting by numbers .
6 It occurred to someone in the library that whoever had stolen the four volumes would certainly be after the fifth to complete his collection , so instead of watching people they watched the surviving book .
7 " Well , he 's hardly likely to be after the beating you gave him .
8 Multiplied together , these give the ( 2 × 4 ) submatrix at the top left in A. The vertical partition in B , after the third column , and the corresponding partition in C , which must be after the third row , merely divide each summation into two parts .
9 Only what Kate did n't know was that when that break came , Patrick would also be after the bloke .
10 The style of the figures is manifestly provincial and need not be so early as it looks at first glance , but it can hardly be after the mid century .
11 The question of spare land is the subject of a study by the British Library Board into what the British library 's needs will be after the new St. Pancras building has been opened in 1996 and how needs may be satisfied .
12 Where does he expect us to be after the 1996 conference ?
13 The majority of the feedback you 're going to get to help you find your advocacy skills will be after the supervised litigation that you 'll do next week .
14 This may be after the damage to the train .
15 Yeah , I think it 's definitely got to be after the s in books , as it sounds as if there 's more than one of them .
16 But that will be after the demise of the Wiltshire County Council .
17 Have to be after the Bank Holiday .
18 It sounds pretty good and it would be around about May the twenty first twenty second , so it would be after the football season has finished er so we 'd have a tour of Old Trafford , the Manchester United football ground behind the scenes , go to the special museum there , see all of their trophies , do something similar at Anfield the following morning and in the afternoon on the Saturday go to Granada T V studios and er on the Sunday we 'll be going er around Liverpool and their various er little places of nostalgia around the er the Beatles .
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