Example sentences of "[be] find the " in BNC.

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1 The most important preparation , however , will be to find the silky smooth putting touch which is essential to conquer some of the toughest greens in the world .
2 How lovely it would be to find the garden , and see what had happened to it in the last ten years !
3 His first move would be to find the airport 's long-stay car park and to switch the plates on his vehicle for those on one of the more recent arrivals .
4 For example , a typical retrieval request may be to find the names of students who attend any module given by Goodwin .
5 There is a potency in his warning at the end of chapter fourteen that the world is dependent on time which will end , and man 's most urgent and natural work , therefore , should be to find the means by which he can pass beyond it .
6 Czechoslovakia is better off than the other East European nations and has committed 2 per cent of its investment to environmental projects , but there once again are to be found the same dreary environmental statistics of rivers poisoned , sewage untreated , sulphur dioxide deposited and trees dying , even if the figures are not quite so bad as elsewhere .
7 Within every institution ( and indeed , individual ) may be found the polarised views of the pedant and the pragmatist .
8 In the church vestry can be found the unsmiling and stalwart statue of Queen Elizabeth 1 .
9 Though always happy at Saint Cloud , the Emperor had a weakness for the great palace of Fontainebleau , perhaps because of its associations with Napoleon I. Because of the magnificence of the palace it was impossible to live a quiet family life and so June was a month of great social activity , a sort of informal summer Court , at which was to be found the glittering society so indelibly associated with the regime .
10 Not sauntering but fanatically rooted to their hallowed places at the end of the ‘ Up ’ main platform in most big stations are to be found the train-spotters , living proof of George Orwell 's observation that the English are a nation of collectors , in this case of train numbers .
11 Hidden in the house buying jungle can also be found the Public Auction .
12 In the Structure Plan , again , can be found the following perceptive comments :
13 In this , I think , is to be found the origins of and impetus behind the arrangement of sites , the study of which has gone under the name of astro-archaeology , or , more recently , archaeo-astronomy .
14 At Washford can be found the ruins of 13th century Cleeve Abbey , the Tropiquaria tropical house and aquarium and a museum of railway relics .
15 They are now working on a centralised system for spare parts , so that a customer in Spain or Switzerland can be found the part he needs whether it 's in Germany , Italy or France .
16 Facing the title-page is often to be found the ‘ frontispiece ’ , devoted to a portrait or some interesting part of the subject matter .
17 In this court could be found the money changers who changed the ‘ unclean ’ currencies such as Roman money into the sacred Temple money for the payment of Temple collections .
18 Here can be found the largest crag in the district : Pillar Rock ; the dirtiest : Boat Howe Crag ; the remotest : Haskett Buttress , and the sunniest : Buckbarrow .
19 Among the final paragraphs is to be found the following :
20 The first part of Gaudium et Spes returns again and again to the theme of Christ , the New Adam who ‘ fully reveals man to man ’ , himself making man 's vocation clear , and in whom is to be found the key and focal point for human history and civilization .
21 If he had a hangover from too much of the strongest real ale to be found the night before — Jack was a formidable seeker-out of head-banging beers with frightening names — or if the play was too slow , or if he disapproved of a local rule , or a local official , or a new initiative by the PGA , or …
22 Below the £20 mark were to be found the mass of people , 90 per cent and more of the population .
23 Just across the Dean Bridge beside the imposing facade of Stewarts Melville college can be found the gracious Victorian setting of the Queensway Hotel .
24 In the burial ground will be found the graves of many distinguished men including Thomas de Quincey , author of Confessions of an Opium Eater .
25 Freud seems to have been right in seeing that , at least in Christianity and its associated arts , both in works positively related to it and those antagonistic to it , there is to be found the theme of God the Father , and God the Son , who is sacrificed and eaten in Holy Communion .
26 Caerleon , the legionary fortress of Isca , boasts the atmospheric remains of a Roman amphitheatre and baths complex , whilst in the beautiful Wye Valley can be found the substantial ruins of Tintern Abbey and Chepstow Castle .
27 In its narrow streets are to be found the great architectural masterpieces of Fatamid and Mamaluke Cairo .
28 Nowhere to the west of the Wallace Line can be found the giant Cassowary , Birds of Paradise or marsupials of Australasia , and nowhere to the east of it are found the tigers , elephants , primates and early man which crossed the land-bridge once connecting Java , Sumatra and Borneo to mainland Asia .
29 These included the great British trading companies in West Africa , in which are to be found the origins of Unilever , the North American fruit companies in Central America , whose activities gave rise to the expression ‘ banana republic ’ , and the East India Company which was to provide the basis for British colonial administration in India .
30 In the agora was also to be found the administrative council house — the bouleuterion or senate house — of which interesting remains survive especially at Priene , Termessos and Miletos .
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