Example sentences of "[be] see for " in BNC.

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1 It should be seen for what it was , and especially by those who feel like regretting its erasure , and alleging that its replacement has made an environment which may be even worse — of tower blocks filled with heroin and despair .
2 Now the area will be seen for what it has to offer : superb technical lines of good rock and ace protection .
3 In some places the books had not been touched for hundreds of years and could hardly be seen for dust .
4 The mill buildings themselves tower over Tewkesbury and can be seen for many miles around .
5 For this reason , adultery should be seen for what it has become , an act of sexual conduct which takes on a symbolic character if offensive to the other partner .
6 An almost universal feature of determination is that it involves subtle chemical changes , almost certainly turning on or off genes , and the overt result may not be seen for many hours .
7 It is in this future that perhaps partnerships can be seen for what they are , a new kind of relationship in which power is shared rather than used to fight others .
8 In some cases you will need to be seen for further investigation and/or treatment .
9 Positive imbalances can be seen for Allegheny West , Central North Side and Manchester in favour of investment and negatively for the remaining neighbourhoods .
10 This allows you to make a more considered approach than a telephone call and to use the job matching list you have drawn up to bring to the employer 's attention the reasons why you are suitable for the job and why you should be seen for interview .
11 Above them , on a grassy hill , loomed the Monument — an imitation ruined temple that could be seen for several kilometres around .
12 This stand-alone receiver is the latest addition to the ap range and can be seen for the first time at the London Boat Show .
13 Changes in water quality brought about by changing land use may thus not be seen for decades .
14 Then nine tenths of the rubbish they 've been printing for the last few weeks will be seen for what it is .
15 Glastonbury Tor , with the ruined tower of St Michael 's church , can be seen for miles around .
16 Thirty-six mosaics have been lent by the Jordanian government and will be seen for the first time in Britain .
17 And at whatever time of the year you visit Edinburgh , there are the art galleries and museums — though the priceless and vulnerable collection of Turner water-colours can only be seen for a short period in winter .
18 They continued to be seen for what they continued to be : organisations concerned to get the highest wages and the best conditions they could for their members .
19 But that same militant masculinity has to be seen for the contradictory and often conservative force that it is .
20 In the early stages of a book I always write out two things : one , the plot , that is , the murder and how it happened and perhaps how eventually it will be seen for what it is ; two , the story ( which to make what I mean even clear to myself I generally label " The Storyline " ) , that is , in very rough outline what happens first and what happens next and next and next .
21 As can be seen for wild-type Eco K approximately 50% of the DNA is cleaved after 30 min and no further reaction appears to take place after this time .
22 Three , and Johnson 's knock-out punch — Pennant 's descriptions went as far into detail as Pennant wanted them to , and therefore they should be seen for what they are , not what they might have been : ‘ Here is a man six feet high and you are angry because he is not seven . ’
23 Its very opening out of public space , to be seen for example in Munich , Prague , or above all Rome , is strikingly modern in comparison with the traditional and labyrinthine Gothic street plans .
24 This place can be seen for miles in daylight . ’
25 But this is a case where the stratigraphical wood can not be seen for the nomenclatural trees .
26 Similar effects can be seen for other heavy atoms , such as Se , Hg and Xe , though usually only in linear molecules .
27 Brad-stone and Countryside are two other companies whose quality products can be seen for sale in many garden centres and DlY stores .
28 The structure plan can not be seen for providing for a major or sudden change in direction .
29 Such well preserved works can be seen for example in Southern France and Spain , rather than in Italy , and particularly Rome , where greater toll has been taken by the use of marble for rebuilding and by barbarian invasions .
30 The Doctrine must be seen for what it was — a very political document which had been hastily cobbled together to try to fill the power vacuum caused by the Suez fiasco .
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