Example sentences of "[be] see [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Another aim might be to see how far upwind you can sail in ten minutes , trying to beat it each time you do it in the future .
2 Aesthetic terms " used in the discussion of style ( urbane , curt , exuberant , florid , lucid , plain , vigorous , etc ) are not directly referable to any observable linguistic features of texts , and one of the long-term aims of stylistics must be to see how far such descriptions can be justified in terms of descriptions of a more linguistic kind .
3 He contemplated the palms as if he might be seeing past and future in them , and then he turned her hands over and examined the backs .
4 As she glared at him , he continued , ‘ So get used to the fact that , if you plan on staying on here , you will unfortunately be seeing rather a lot of me .
5 We are likely to be seeing even more of him on television .
6 I 'm rather proud of it , yes , I think you can take it from me , Richard Lewis is one earthly executive we will be seeing up here .
7 I said you 'll be seeing when you watch that and you 'll start crying
8 This list has , believe it or not , really got me in the mood for venturing back to see United — tommorrow should see me travelling up the M1 if I can get the transport arranged — and hopefully I 'll be seeing quite a few games throughout the season .
9 Is your cost er , programme effectively complete er , or are we gon na be seeing more substantial redundancies this year ?
10 ‘ I have a contract which has 18 months to go , and as far as I 'm concerned , I 'll be seeing out those 18 months .
11 Strange to be seeing still things , Jed thought .
12 The Hortons added on to the mill house , and during Elizabeth 's reign they made extensive gabled additions which can be seen best on the east façade .
13 The point can be seen best by contrast : in the uniform rejection , by anyone acquainted with the practice of programming , of Fodor 's claim ( 1976 ) that the principal interpretations or models , in the logical sense , of programs are actual hardware items and states .
14 You will also have made a discovery that what seems to you to be the main features or focus may be seen differently by other people with whom you come in contact .
15 ‘ These arguments ( against fast foods ) use lack of balance to dramatize a point that would be seen instantly to be ludicrous if presented reasonably .
16 The future may be seen narrowly in terms of what will happen to the children when they move out of this class , or this school , to the next stage ; but ultimately whether or not they have been properly educated will be judged in terms of what happens to them later , when they have left school .
17 Perhaps in one sense it does not matter that he ignored the sometimes vandalistic assaults on the gospel texts by Form-critics and Redaction-critics ; just as it could be seen not to matter that the school of philosophy in which he was reared had been rendered more or less obsolete by the man who — in the year that Lewis was writing The Problem of Pain — had become a professor of philosophy at Cambridge : Ludwig Wittgenstein .
18 This may be seen not only from a detailed breakdown of the sacrificial prescriptions in terms of the sex of the victim chosen for particular occasions , but more especially from an analysis of two other rituals which appeared on the scene at the same time : covenantal ( male ) circumcision and the regulations surrounding menstruation and childbirth .
19 In light of these passages from other poems , Mopsus can be seen not only as a pastoral retreat from ambition , but also a firm recognition of the hazards of patronage .
20 Spanish America 's new narrative has therefore to be seen not only in its local context , but in wider terms as part of the evolution of modern fiction generally .
21 Thus , to retain their value , they must be seen not as rigid dogma , but as sufficiently flexible to accommodate a changing social scene .
22 Officers were no longer members , and increasingly education came to be seen not as a separate or specialized concern of local government but as a service to be considered alongside housing , transport , or rubbish collection .
23 The existence of A level courses may be seen not simply as a useful tool for individual pupils who may want to go further in their education ( or have a certificate to show that they have not left school till they were l8 ) ; but as a measure of the standard of the school itself .
24 Like paintings , they need to be seen not talked about . ’
25 They should be seen not as ‘ fringe healing ’ but as ‘ complementary medicine ’
26 When the use of the term ‘ reading readiness ’ in education is examined , it will be seen not to refer to readiness to read , nor even to readiness to learn to read , but to quite a different state of affairs , namely readiness to cope with reading instruction .
27 The contradictions that are built into the term ‘ inner city ’ have to be seen not as the root of analytical uncertainty but as the source of rhetorical utility .
28 The school ‘ plant ’ began to be seen not just as a resource which could be used for adult education or the occasional PTA dance and parents ' meeting .
29 This approach is potentially useful since it suggests that women 's under-representation in public politics can be seen not simply in terms of women 's lack of interest in politics but of the ability of men to prevent women 's issues entering politics .
30 They must be seen not as social groups constituted by individuals , but as positions constituted by the conflicting interests which are an integral part of a particular mode of production .
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