Example sentences of "[be] to the " in BNC.

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1 The first punch may be to the face , so attention is focused there .
2 One possible application of the proposals would be to the Civil Aviation Authority , which desperately needs new capital to deal with the problems of air traffic congestion in Europe .
3 John Ellis , general secretary of the Civil and Public Services Association , which has members employed by the Government 's statistical services , said : ‘ Anything that improves the quality of statistics , which this country is very good at getting wrong , particularly on transport and the economy , would be to the benefit of the whole country . ’
4 A positive interaction with these characteristics can only be to the benefit of artists and their followers alike .
5 The timing of such an arrangement would be crucial if adverse American reaction was to be avoided ; it was believed that the first approaches should be to the Dominions , followed by the USA , USSR , and China , culminating in a full international conference .
6 The trips will be to the Clare Lakelands and Shannon .
7 ‘ If there 's any cruelty involved , ’ Hughes says , ‘ it would be to the foxes , not to the sheep .
8 First call could be to the CHP Association , an independent body which will send lists of member companies and general information .
9 I 've got a new car and it 's already got 23,000 on the clock , and three-quarters of that must be to the club . ’
10 ‘ A clinician 's first duty must be to the patient , ’ said one .
11 The fact is we remain an island power and can not ignore the sea however close we may be to the Continent .
12 Salt has received much bad publicity in recent years as a major contributory factor to heart disease , but the initial hysteria has now given way to the theory that salt in quantity will only be to the detriment of those people prone to heart disease from other causes .
13 ‘ In hospitals that ‘ opt out ’ , there may be an increase in cold surgery and cardiovascular medicine for the better off — but it will be to the further detriment of primary care , preventive medicine and local services in poorer areas . ’
14 Visits to Lille and visits from such important people as the Duke of Gloucester , the C-in-C , Lord Gort , and the Divisional Commander , a little Major-General called Montgomery who did n't seem to be to the liking of the younger officers .
15 The more the star has moved at the end of the Earth 's journey of 186 million miles , the closer it must be to the solar system .
16 ‘ However , the one thing the southern hemisphere does know a thing or two about is rugby union and to close the door would be to the detriment of the English game in the long run .
17 … such an arrangement would be to the advantage of the WEA , provided that the partnership in the Joint Committee is genuine and that the WEA retains and exercises the right of providing its own classes as may seem appropriate .
18 If the garage has a ‘ flat ’ roof , it will have a slight drainage slope , which may be to the side or the rear .
19 There is a belief that mild mental handicap may in a sense be inherited in a way that most severe mental handicaps are not , although public understanding would be to the contrary .
20 Palestine was meant to be to the south , beyond Golan , on the West Bank , in Gaza , in Israel itself .
21 One must appreciate that with the passing of time all things progress ; what may have been of considerable interest to one generation may not be to the next .
22 Since the alteration of the law on homosexual acts between consenting adults , there has been a startling increase in the number of male patients who are prepared to talk freely about their homosexuality , and this can only be to the good , as they do appear to have a considerably higher chance of acquiring certain of the sexually transmitted conditions .
23 Of what interest could it be to the man where her father was born ?
24 The overall emphasis on cost and efficiency in the reformed National Health Service is likely to increase pressures for further reducing the length of hospital stays , and once again this may be to the detriment of older patients .
25 Perhaps unnerved by the suddenness of his summons to the Prime Minister and the vigour of Palmerston 's attack , Scott felt that his case had to be presented in a ‘ more consecutive manner ’ , and on 23rd July , 1859 , he wrote a long letter to Palmerston explaining how much effort he had put into the design and what a loss it would be to the country if it was not adopted .
26 This ‘ brain and skills drain ’ may not be to the government 's liking because the evidence suggests that about 30,000 people will emigrate abroad , taking considerable assets with them .
27 The Grand Tour of Italy was like what National Service used to be to the young men of our country .
28 It is quite natural for all human beings to seek the company of their peers , but surely this should not be to the exclusion of contact with people of all ages .
29 So unaccustomed may he or she be to the affection that you offer .
30 Indeed he stated that ‘ urban units seem to be to the process of reproduction what the companies are to the production process ’ ( 1977 , p. 237 ) .
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