Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 It should also be recognized that the working class was an extremely diverse social group and that it was fragmented and variegated .
2 While many of these bodies were underpinned by Labour and working-class support it should be recognized that they attracted support from across the social and political spectrum .
3 Given that the ideal of the companionate marriage had existed before the eighteenth century , it must be recognized that women 's position within marriage was inferior to that of men .
4 It must be recognized that Donna Landry 's views on Leapor are most nearly justified in relation to this piece .
5 Even though there were many writers before Leapor who had made a similar affirmation , not least Katherine Phillips and Mary Astell , it must be recognized that to make such claims was to dispute a widely held belief , based on Aristotelian physiology , that women were by nature soft and therefore inconstant The best known statement of this view of women is Pope 's ‘ Epistle to a Lady ’ .
6 Furthermore , it must be recognized that Duck was psychologically fragile and might have collapsed even in ideal circumstances .
7 It has also to be recognized that all owners may need to make alterations and improvements to their property from time to time .
8 However , it has to be recognized that the whole concept of conservation areas would never have become established in many places without a willingness by local authorities to accept development behind facades .
9 It needs to be recognized that it is the surface of any street or pavement that provides its essential character .
10 But it must be recognized that to teach about Christianity though it entails teaching about Christian doctrine , with the gospels and at least part of the Old Testament as the source and background of that doctrine , in no sense involves proselytizing .
11 It must be recognized that there are many good reasons for wishing to combine data in these ways , but a major problem arises because GIS packages fail to offer any means of keeping track of the effects of error propagation and how it affects the results .
12 In looking at the first of these it must be recognized that no map , however detailed or carefully compiled , can perfectly represent the ‘ ground truth ’ , while in the second instance , the digitizing process merely serves to compound the errors present in the original map ( Poiker 1982 ; Blakemore 1984 ) .
13 If speechreading is being considered for someone who is very elderly , it should be recognized that it is only one of many factors .
14 Nevertheless it must be recognized that most of the killing of rightists in the Republican zone was spontaneous and that the government sought , successfully in the long run , to bring it to an end .
15 In any case , it must be recognized that these notes , however full and detailed , are a selection from all the events that the researcher witnessed , and that this selection is made on the basis of what the researcher considers to be significant .
16 Having regard to the causes , it has to be recognized that the conditions that lead one plant to canker are also putting others to the same pressure , so look to your overall cultivation methods .
17 It should be recognized that identification of fluctuation effects of small magnitude requires data with a high signal-to-noise ratio .
18 If lifetime employment and seniority wages are seen as key distinguishing characteristics of the Japanese labour market then it has to be recognized that they are far from universal features .
19 It should be recognized that floating exchange rates have usually been adopted ( e.g. in the 1930s and since 1973 ) when adverse conditions have caused a breakdown in the prevailing system of fixed exchange rates .
20 They are , but it must be recognized that by adopting certain accounting policies over others , management can influence the future expansion and direction of ( as in this case ) a major nationalized industry .
21 It may be recognized that the terms in the brackets represent the potentials due to the other two charges .
22 In differentiating various kinds of policies , and in interpreting their implications for ministerial power , it must be recognized that some policies have implications for more than one department .
23 It should also be recognized that it is no easy task to spend several hours in the company of someone whose behaviour may be odd and conversation repetitive or bizarre .
24 It must be recognized that while relatives almost certainly do not cause mental disorder , the emotional atmosphere of the household certainly influences the course of the disorder .
25 It must also be recognized that hospital admission can prove a particularly daunting experience for someone whose basic life-style is totally different from the British one .
26 It also needs to be recognized that in some authorities — particularly small district councils where there are fewer personnel , resources and programmes — much co-ordinating work occurs informally and the elaborate corporate structures advocated by Bains are perhaps less appropriate .
27 Moreover , it needs to be recognized that a rational , ‘ value-free ’ analysis can not exist in a pluralistic society or that it would please no one if attempted ( Clapham , 1984 ) , unless an action could be shown to benefit all stakeholders .
28 Alternatively , and conversely , it may be recognized that the end goal will not be achieved without a period of turbulence , and the pace of change may actually be accelerated , to get it over as quickly as possible .
29 At the same time , however , it should be recognized that not all parties retain their vitality , or even survive at all , that new parties emerge , and may quickly become powerful , as happened with the socialist parties in Europe , and that parties may change their character and their policies without necessarily changing their names .
30 How far present-day societies are likely to proceed along this road is a matter of debate ( and I shall return to the question in Chapter 6 ) , but at the least it has to be recognized that in recent years the idea of political action has been very substantially broadened , so that there is already a quite widespread awareness of the variety of ways in which individuals and groups of individuals can assert their dissent from the policies of government at all levels ( for example , the revolt against the poll tax in Britain ) and bring into the arena of public debate alternative policies .
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