Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 One would expect existing sentence patterns to be stabilised in use , and to be only minimally disturbed upon being combined to form more complex syntactic units .
2 Interest credited to your TESSA may be withdrawn in cash ( minimum withdrawal £5 ) or upon advice from you , credited to another account .
3 The remaining twenty-seven were obliged to be withdrawn in consequence of action brought or disputed ownership .
4 FIFTIES style trains to be withdrawn in favour of safer , modern carriages .
5 It was felt that this would enable more rail services to be withdrawn in rural areas without ‘ undue hardship ’ ( an ill-defined term ) being caused to the communities currently served by rail .
6 Counsel may be briefed with the approval of the Area Director ; assistance may be withdrawn in certain circumstances ; costs may be awarded out of the legal aid fund to an unassisted party ; the statutory charge operates subject to specified exceptions .
7 These two examinations are to be withdrawn in 1994 with the increasing emphasis on national vocational qualifications .
8 The approximately 370,000 Soviet troops remaining in East Germany would be withdrawn in three to four years , a process for which Germany would provide financial assistance .
9 The ruling overturned a February 1989 civil settlement , whereby criminal charges against UCC were to be withdrawn in return for compensation [ see p. 36466 ] .
10 They can be withdrawn in cash on demand and are thus also totally liquid .
11 Ideally the MIS should be operated on the basis of ‘ management by exception ’ , ie it should enable managers to delegate confidently in the sure knowledge that significant variances in actual performance compared with standard performance will be highlighted in timely fashion by the system .
12 DANGERS to be highlighted in Water Safety Weeks , from May 29 to June 11 , are demonstrated in a rescue feature in 999 ( BBC-1 , 9.30pm ) when Michael Buerk presents more remarkable stories of heroism and bravery .
13 Latin America will feature in the Lent materials , probably Christian Aid Week , and will be highlighted in the Festival .
14 Unusual terms may need to be given special prominence , or be highlighted in some way , otherwise they may not be incorporated in the contract ( Interfoto Picture Library Ltd v Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 348 ) .
15 The hull would be over-engineered in the floor for keel strength and very light in the non-structural panels .
16 Visual search is held to be multifaceted in nature , involving the growing regulation and interaction of children 's visual , linguistic and cognitive systems .
17 By its middle years the introduction of a number of relatively minor improvements , such as cartridges and iron ramrods , had allowed this rate of fire to be trebled in the most efficient European armies .
18 Whale ( 1977 , p. 80 ) has justified unregulated commercial control of the press by arguing that ‘ a newspaper controlled by a commercial group writes inhibitedly about a handful of concerns at most ; a paper owned by the state , the effective alternative , would be guarded in its outlook on whole areas of the national life ’ .
19 Overall sound quality is good , without the dulling and squashing side effects that some products can produce ; pumping can be provoked in the hard ratio mode by extreme settings , but that 's only to be expected .
20 It had become possible to demonstrate the causative organism of syphilis , Treponema pallidum , under the microscope ; there was soon to be available a blood test , the Wasserman Reaction ( WR ) , which enabled syphilis to be diagnosed in the absence of any signs of the disease ; and finally , a new syphilitic treatment , Salvarsan , an arsenic compound , had become available .
21 The three are also believed to be implicated in other cases of serious violations against street children .
22 Because viruses are known to be implicated in the development of certain cancers , it was natural to investigate any possible relationship between herpes infection of the cervix and cervical cancer .
23 Other physical factors may be implicated in mass strandings .
24 It never occurred to me that something quite extraordinary must be implicated in the charter if George Crowninshield was willing to pay such an egregious price for an out-of-season charter .
25 This kind of evidence led many researchers to suggest that simplified input of the type found in ‘ Motherese ’ might be implicated in language learning .
26 The first kinase to be implicated in LTP was the Ca 2+ /phospholipid-dependent protein kinase ( PKC ) r78–80 .
27 What Jeffery ( and Matza , who quotes Jeffery in support of his own position ) are pointing to here is that whatever positivists chose as the causes of crime , even when they were ‘ external ’ such as ‘ social and group ’ factors , they always excluded the nature and operation of the criminal law from consideration ; such things were simply not taken to be implicated in the process of causing criminal behaviour .
28 Biological response modifiers such as cytokines and growth factors released in peritumoral tissues , perhaps by the neoplastic cells themselves , may well be implicated in their activation .
29 An account is given which explains present practices without recourse to justifying the feelings of anyone who might be implicated in the practices .
30 In any event , as we shall shortly show , this ‘ toxic mix ’ can not always be implicated in causing riots for it is often simply not present in prisons which experience disorder .
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