Example sentences of "[be] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 This observation has direct bearing on questions of authenticity , since a detail may be the way that the true can be separated from the false .
2 Of course , as should be the way with a don , he excited dismay - dismay more than dislike or distrust .
3 It seemed unlikely , however , that a more abrasive or divisive programme would be the way for them to recover their position .
4 This will be the way with the Advanced , or ‘ A ’ level , exam taken by a brainy minority of English 18-year-olds ( the Scots have more rational arrangements ) .
5 It is for someone to support the person whilst they try to unravel their thoughts in such a way that it becomes clear that they can say anything , no matter how bizarre or odd it sounds , because that will be the way they sort out their feelings in order to cope with them .
6 The way horses pass messages between themselves will be the way that they will try and impart a message to us .
7 Sometimes I wear things that do n't conform because I want to say to people : I do n't want to be the way you want me to be .
8 This seems to be the way Rawls treats the problem ( though he is sensitive to fallibility concerning applied principles ( see pp. 195–7 ) But quite apart from the fact that by this one assumes that in the original position the parties discount a general fact of human nature , namely its fallibility , this procedure will sanction non-adaptable constitutions — a highly counter-intuitive conclusion .
9 It is difficult to imagine a world in which the status of your car — and yourself , by implication — centres around miles per gallon , but making economy desirable and fashionable seems to be the way to change the habits of private car owners .
10 Reaction-diffusion could well be the way they arise in development .
11 I am convinced that pupil-profiling alone can not be the way forward , even if profiles may profitably be used in conjunction with other methods of assessment .
12 This tends to be the way that the gentlemen work it out .
13 This can not be the way to provide a coherent and effective education .
14 In post-classical times precatory character came to be the way to distinguish between trusts and civil-law institutions ( said , in contrast , to be ‘ direct ’ ) .
15 This had to be the way to go .
16 Every scrap of understanding you can glean about the dynamics of bereavement will , of course , be valuable ; but never try simply to ‘ play it by the book ’ — this or any other , for in the long run it will be the way you use your heart , not your head , that will count most .
17 ‘ Landing face down in the bottom of a boat would hardly be the way to win the heart of the woman you love .
18 Grandmother Hilda Mason , of Clapham , south London , said : ‘ I 'm heartbroken but it seems to be the way young people go about their business these days . ’
19 But this would not be the way to lure away her Jack .
20 Her mother had normal feet , her father had , why did Benny 's have to be the way they were ?
21 That may be the way the world does its business , but it is not to be the way the Lord 's people should do theirs .
22 That may be the way the world does its business , but it is not to be the way the Lord 's people should do theirs .
23 Can we honestly assume that the way they are in school will be the way they relate to an employer , or to younger children in an adventure playground ?
24 Our third theme will be the way in which the questions these developments raised were illustrated towards the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the present century in the work of Albert Schweitzer ( 1875–1965 ) , Johannes Weiss ( 1863–1914 ) , William Wrede ( 1859–1906 ) , Martin Kähler ( 1835–1912 ) and Ernst Troeltsch ( 1865–1923 ) .
25 Mrs Singh agreed that it must be the way he forgot things .
26 Yes I think we , we started doing that originally because er the people from the Epping group said they did that every month did n't they , they , they issued a press release and sent it to all the local papers , that seems to be the way of doing it .
27 This seems to be the way things are heading .
28 So the highly defined agenda of a festival such as this may well be the way forward for gay men who 've long been marginalised and denied fair access to the media .
29 Ideological preferences are similarly of little use , since they may simply be the way in which politicians present their views in order to gain public acceptance .
30 They resent the disclosure of inconvenient truths , but above all they fear the disclosure that things need not be the way they are .
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