Example sentences of "[be] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He answers this objection however with the reply that , whereas in human generation a woman can only be the passive principle , in spiritual generation neither man nor woman function by virtue of their own powers , but only as instruments of the power of Christ .
2 It 's not that he ceases altogether to be the eternal student , but that he becomes reshaped and misshaped into an aberration .
3 In rejecting traditional theory as a ‘ mathematical knowledge of nature which claims to be the eternal logos ’ he suggests that the self-knowledge of present-day man is ‘ a critical theory of society as it is , a theory dominated at every turn by a concern for reasonable conditions of life ’ ( Horkheimer 1972 : 199 ) .
4 But in addition to the church 's calling to be the invisible yeast leavening the whole dough and the salt savouring the whole meal , it is also called to be a light placed prominently and strategically upon a lamp-stand so as to light the whole house .
5 The target of ciprofloxacin and the other quinolones within the cell appears to be the prokaryotic enzyme , deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) gyrase , an essential enzyme that catalyses chromosomal DNA supercoiling .
6 There are a number of issues that already have and will continue to have direct bearing on day to day practice of which the major one will be the reverberating effects upon pre-school education of the Education Reform Act 1988 .
7 But inevitably , the biggest magnet will be the European Community .
8 Fresh from the USA , the Expo makes its UK debut in Scotland from 5–7 March 1993 , which also happens to be the European Year of Older People .
9 Among the 360 objects coming to Canada are the remarkably preserved gold , pottery and armour from the tomb of Philip of Macedon , usually displayed in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki , the capital of the northern-most region of Greece , Macedonia , and the city scheduled to be the European Cultural Capital in 1997 .
10 Velizy , France is to be the European headquarters with around ten staff and other offices will open in London , Northern European Office , and Munich , Central European Office , by the end of this year .
11 Because Linnaeus worked in western Europe , it tends to be the European form which is seen as typical in this sense ; and of course it is accidental which species in a group happens to be first described and hence seen as typical .
12 In 1990 Glasgow was selected to be the European City of Culture and in this connection a sponsorship programme was devised including a performance by the world renowned Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra , an exhibition of a selection of the of Camille Pissarro at The Burrell and a number of other events .
13 The IMF had to intervene in the past and in the future it would be the European Monetary Institute .
14 Greenpeace says the standards applied in Germany , where fridges use up to 50 per cent less energy than elsewhere , should be the European norm .
15 His method is straightforward enough : examining what he takes to be the central claims and assumptions of Conservative political philosophy , he proceeds to dismantle them one by one and , having demonstrated to his satisfaction that no Conservative tenet can withstand analytical criticism , declares that ‘ Conservatism … has , in the end , nothing to say for itself ’ .
16 The vertical plane is referred to , incorrectly , as the CVR : it should be the central vertical plane .
17 With a leadership battle looming in the Labour Party in the wake of its fourth successive defeat , the issue of electoral reform may prove to be the central issue for internal debate , a factor the Liberal Democrats will exploit to the full .
18 With a leadership battle looming in the Labour Party after its fourth successive defeat , electoral reform may prove to be the central issue for internal debate , a factor the Liberal Democrats will exploit to the full .
19 In the light of this general conclusion which will be substantiated from Chapter 7 onwards , it becomes clear that sharpening the tools of policy-making and increasing the ‘ expertness ’ of government personnel should no longer be the central concern .
20 Although the Scarman Report is often taken to be the central text which argues for a link between ‘ social conditions ’ and ‘ disorder ’ , the terms of the debate were by no means set by Scarman .
21 However , at the centre of the understanding must lie an awareness that schools and colleges have always been in the business of change , created by responding to the needs of individual children and students and that the child at school or the student at college must continue to be the central focus of all educational activity .
22 We come here to what seems to me to be the central dilemma in second language pedagogy : the conditions appropriate for acquiring communicative resources are different from the conditions of their use .
23 For a variety of reasons — some conscious and deliberate , some accidental , some historical and political , some organisational and philosophical — difference rather than similarity appears to be the central characteristic of our primary schools today .
24 Everything Rossi says is illustrated by the story of Humanae Vitae , which proved to be the central crisis of his pontificate .
25 Professor Anthony Kay describes a case in which the council avoided investigating what many would have expected to be the central issue — was the accused doctor offering a treatment that could undoubtedly do harm but for which there was no scientific evidence of benefit ?
26 Going to another church ( of the Presbyterian Church of England ) my love of God came to be the central factor in my life , and aged almost sixteen I told my headmistress with quiet confidence that I wished to be ordained .
27 It seems likely that as small children they stayed in the relative security of England while Henry spent most of his time abroad , immersed in what was always to be the central concern of his life , governing his continental dominions .
28 A serious issue indeed for the Committee given that literature is to be the central instrument for furthering its cultural programme .
29 But , uniquely , the new English offered through education unmediated access to what was taken to be the central activity of all human judgement .
30 but they 're bonded to different groupings so , for example , if one had something like this er , let's call that see three , page seven if I had something like that that central carbon there and when they draw these things at an exam paper , do n't expect it to be the central one .
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