Example sentences of "[be] [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 To travel through Ireland without visiting a pub would be to miss out on a huge chunk of Irish life .
2 Waco : CULT leader David Koresh may be drawing out the 34-day stand-off with federal agents so it ends on a religious holiday and fulfils his prophecies , the FBI said .
3 The main purpose of the costings for the latter years is to identify probable peaks and troughs in the overall programme , which can be smoothed out by phasing in major projects so as to avoid clashes .
4 One of the fields had been ploughed and our job was to weed out the wiry roots and tufts of grass that the wooden ploughshare had failed to dislodge so that the field could be smoothed out ready for flooding .
5 An over-ambitious social physics , albeit statistically sophisticated , would give an oddly flat theory of social relationships precisely because unique , yet meaningful , patterns would be smoothed out under general statistical laws .
6 In most instances , a kink will produce a slight burr on the surface which can be smoothed out .
7 All these ruffles should be smoothed out after a few days .
8 Len Dennis , in his article about a butler 's tray ( WW/Dec.91/p.1284 ) writes ‘ There will be some deviation … where they ( the two cylinder arcs ) meet , and this must be smoothed out . ’
9 And now the intimate clothes which she had put on so unthinkingly on the day of her death would be smoothed out by strange hands , scrutinised under ultra-violet light , perhaps be handed up , neatly docketed , to the judge and jury in the Crown Court .
10 As polythene liners have little elasticity , they are installed without water being added , but plenty of movement should be allowed for , so that , when the water is gradually introduced , the wrinkles can be smoothed out and the liner moulded to the contours of the hole .
11 It 's the suicidal greatness of America , I think Annabel means , to have raised opportunism to such a point that even people who would n't dream of ditching anything else feel that this has to be plucked out .
12 This is especially true of black women writers , who tend to be plucked out of context to lend a splash of colour to a pallid white landscape — like a single exotic flower among drab , overwatered shrubs .
13 I think we 'll get together , Peter Davis , with with the Districts on that particular point , as far as the previous point erm madam , erm then you can rest assured that er the County Surveyor will be rousted out of his dinner tonight er erm when I get back , with a view to er providing the information that you require .
14 It is intolerable that Labour MPs who are also accountable to all the voters in their town should be turfed out by the block vote .
15 There can be few people in football who do not think Flashman should be turfed out of Barnet at the earliest opportunity .
16 But if anyone else believes that all that 's consumed in the Sedgefield council chairman 's room is tea and biscuits they must be stoned out of their tiny little brains .
17 Marilyn has worked with Douglas Reyburn for just over a year as time keeper , but because of her clerical skills will also be helping out in the office when leave is taken by others .
18 I 'm afraid it would have to be sticking out .
19 Something would be sticking out would hit on something so when the wood , your feet in the shoe , that would make a hole in the , in the front .
20 Vivien 's good idea became a big-budget shambles , and Spellbound seemed to be eased out of the second series .
21 On the grounds that Britain had a good stab at the job last time round , observers feel that a German or Frenchman should get first refusal if Quisigaard can be eased out .
22 was tut-tutting that we should n't be using out of er Stansted airport , they should be jets
23 When you when you come up here and do the driving you find that erm because people are are just not available at the time and erm y I 'm here just for a and Stan only here for a a limited period , and er you 're sort of trying they 're downstairs they 're trying to get people off the trucks when they come in or whatever the case may be to go out and do an assessment run , and it 's not always possible .
24 She told herself that the best thing she could do would be to go out of the house and climb up to where the buzzards and the ravens nested on the clifftop , but she did n't pay herself much attention .
25 ‘ But me an' yer muvver always used ter be goin' out when we were younger , even if it was only up the Kings Arms on Saturday nights .
26 Turbo diesels should not be dismissed out of hand , but the turbocharger is a complicating factor , and a car which has not been carefully serviced may need an expensive replacement turbo .
27 Yet there are a few hints that the possibility of specific performance even of these judgments should not be dismissed out of hand .
28 The hypothesis can not be dismissed out of hand .
29 Such ideas , and lessons of history , are clearly of fundamental importance and should not be dismissed out of hand .
30 The imagination trembles at some of these ideas — will a profession 's ruling body really come clean about its members ' income ? — but no suggestion , on this subject , should be dismissed out of hand .
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