Example sentences of "[not/n't] really [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We , of course , went outside to see if we could see anything , not really expecting to ; there was nothing to suggest the passage of a train , just the cool night air and the distant sound of night life , nothing to prove or disprove the eerie sounds we had heard so clearly .
2 ‘ That must have cost a pretty penny , ’ Mickey Aronson declared , not really expecting to be told the price .
3 ‘ That was different , ’ he told her grandly , and resumed , ‘ While ensuring that my secretary had enough work to keep him fully occupied for the whole of that weekend , and not really expecting you would have any need to contact him , I instructed Lubor Ondrus to give you any assistance you might require should a problem arise . ’
4 The picture does not really change if we turn from the Bible to those seals and bronzes from the Persian period with which the Archaeological Museums of Jerusalem have made us familiar .
5 I do n't know why I 'm not really using this er this pointer .
6 THIS is such a delicious offering , of the kind that makes you chuckle in recollection on the way home , that I do not really want to give the game away by saying too much about what goes on .
7 This drew the comment from Bertrand Russell that both East and West did not really want disarmament .
8 Is a certain situation or a certain person tempting you to eat the things you do not really want ?
9 Poindexter , weary , did not really want to know and had no memory of the memo at all ; he told him he would see him at the office in the morning .
10 Clearly Littlewoods , the pools group and retailer , does not believe in either solution — or perhaps it does not really want to sell .
11 A clever organiser with a history tutor on his hands may persuade the citizens of Chipping Camden that they do not really want a class in biology , they want one on Queen Victoria : but ( make no mistake ) that very persuasion will to some extent have injured the mainspring of voluntaryism in adult education in Chipping Camden .
12 I would like the same amount of performance as from the petrol engine therefore I do not really want a Land Rover Diesel .
13 This stage is intended mainly to ease the initial awkwardness , the interviewer does not really want your detailed impressions of the weather or the route you took to get to the interview .
14 After all , if you had been hanged , drawn and quartered at a time when such deaths were not uncommon , you would not really want to feel either the physical pain or indeed the terror which must have accompanied it !
15 Suppose , for example , that your most recent life had been a particularly horrifying and traumatic one : you would not really want to experience it the first time you were regressed , as you might not be able to cope .
16 And if that child is sensitive and caring and does not wish to hurt or disappoint his parents , perhaps he may even enter the medical profession and spend years doing something he does not really want to do while denying himself the opportunity of fulfilling his life in the way he would have chosen .
17 For , like the most envious of step-mothers , she does not really want to leave anything worth having to John Major at all ; she wishes to live in Thatcherland , surrounded by mirrors all perpetually claiming her to be the one and only .
18 I shall not really want to .
19 They would not really want to hand over responsibility to a board of trustees , but would rather retain rights their rights within the museum .
20 Clearly if users present for treatment in ‘ bad faith ’ , that is , they do not really want to try to come off but are being either coerced or attempting to deceive ‘ authority ’ , then it is unlikely treatment will succeed .
21 The queen dowager would probably have been considerably more of an embarrassment at large , and the Crowland chronicler implies that Gloucester did not really want to resolve the question .
22 They did not really want to be mutineers , but they were afraid of Tom Smith .
23 Lisa always knew she did not really want her baby adapted , and before she was even born had decided against it .
24 Except that we were never completely apart , my love , for you were always beside me , and you were always there , and I think that without you there there were times when I should certainly have been crushed by the weight of a Crown I did not really want .
25 I do n't much care which , ’ said Fenella , who did not really want Caspar to ride off and leave her alone out here , but who was not going to get so close to Nuadu and then ride away and leave him .
26 ‘ We 'd better try to find the prisoners , ’ said Fenella at last , although she did not really want to leave the comparative safety of the wood-store .
27 They did not really want Edward du Cann- he was recognised as having been disloyal to Ted Heath , and his City activities , with Lonrho and Keyser Ullman , were not universally accepted .
28 The queen dowager would probably have been considerably more of an embarrassment at large , and the Crowland chronicler implies that Gloucester did not really want to resolve the question .
29 ‘ She said she did not really want to go back to university and my husband told her she did not have to if she did not want to .
30 Frodo the Ring bearer does not really want to carry the Ring and offers it to the elf-queen Galadriel .
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