Example sentences of "[not/n't] want they " in BNC.

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1 She knew that her grown-ups were frightened and she did not want them to be frightened , but she also knew that Fenna was a mightier protection than all their loving care could ever be .
2 They visited the homes of the women , talked to husbands , fathers and fathers-in-law who did not want them to take part in any struggle , and they urged the women themselves to assert themselves .
3 There is an expectation that they can earn their way into the labour market but the labour market does not want them .
4 Rijkaard and Van Basten had travelled to Holland but Milan did not want them to play and both pulled out of the squad , Rijkaard with flu , Van Basten claiming he was tired after his trip to Tokyo for the World Club Championship .
5 Why had the first inhabitants worked hard to make a clearing , and settled where nature did not want them ?
6 As adults we are naturally protective of children and do not want them to suffer harm .
7 The President might not want them , but sense , and democracy , required it ; so while part of the NSC was on fire with the President 's wishes , another part was turning out position papers of a hopeless and reasonable kind .
8 In fact , with his book of Spanish Civil War photographs , for the second edition he did not want them retouched ; he wanted the scratches , etc , left in because there was that feeling about it .
9 It is recognised in planning circles that planning applications for fish and chip shops are contentious and it has been said that whilst ‘ Joe Public wants hot food shops he does not want them near him and he is prepared to fight tooth and nail to stop anyone opening one near his house ’ .
10 Such is the general expectation that married couples will have children that those who do not want them , or want to put parenthood on a few more years , or sadly learn that they can not conceive , find themselves having to respond to veiled or not so veiled queries .
11 But when she heard about Lore Selo and her two sisters , whose mother did not want them to be parted , Miss Harder promptly offered to take all three and the committee were shocked into acceptance .
12 ‘ You may not want them to begin with , but you should n't fix it , do n't say ‘ I 'll never want children ’ , and do n't put him in that position either .
13 We do not want them to inherit all our problems when it is their responsibility to create the wealth and care for the increased number of elderly and aged people in this country .
14 We do not want them to be upset , so we keep them away from funerals , or from saying goodbye , face to face , to their relatives and friends .
15 We do not want them to know we are coming . ’
16 But he denied the organisation was being heavy-handed in making an example of the teenagers , saying he had to prove a point , although the Alliance does not want them imprisoned .
17 There are others who need to work out how dangerous it would be to do something that America and Europe do not want them to do .
18 They frequently break down , dealing , as Berridge ( 1985 ) argued , a very personal blow to the children and young people ; they are difficult to find ; they demand , if they are to work , levels of support which field social workers can not guarantee ; and some young people , and some children , do not want them .
19 On second thoughts he also sent one of his aides to fetch blankets as well , for some of the ladies did not seem to be very decently attired and , although they did not look very enticing , he still did not want them to give his men ideas .
20 It appears that the Widdicombe recommendation to give statutory powers to chief executives was rejected because most chief executives did not want them and politicians were cautious of such powers in the hands of one officer ( see Local Government Chronicle , 29July 1988 , pp. 8 , 9 ) .
21 Who knows what the exact situation will be and what problems will arise as those changes are forced upon the Scottish people who did not want them in the first place ?
22 Hopkins 's attitude to the publication of his poetry had always been ambivalent , but his habit of sending copies to Bridges indicates that he did not want them lost .
23 She assured the women she addressed that suffragists did not want them to give up ‘ one jot or tittle of your womanliness , your love for children , your care for the sick , your gentleness , your self-control , your obedience to conscience and duty ’ .
24 They wanted military bases for their soldiers in her country and she did not want them .
25 But I did not want them to stay out in the cold all night , so I kept my window open to look out for them .
26 In a climate of teacher expertise , teachers frequently pre-empt pupils ' decisions because they do not want them to ‘ get into a mess ’ .
27 When will the dogmatic Secretary of State for Scotland realise that the people of Scotland see NHS trusts as the thin edge of the wedge for privatisation of the health service , and that they do not want them ?
28 He said that , despite the fact that representatives of the Russian Parliament did not want them to be built and decisions had been taken for them not to be built , they were still being built because of the nature of the command economy that is being phased out .
29 Now these scientists are being asked to bear another burden : nearly 2,000 who were promised university positions may now find themselves jobless because the universities do not want them .
30 Admittedly they did not taste like a British dumpling , but Fabia did not want them to .
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