Example sentences of "[not/n't] go on " in BNC.

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1 The hardest thing , he wrote , is not to go on and on .
2 As I said in an earlier chapter , the principle of speaking is not to go on for more than a few minutes without getting your audience to do something — applaud or laugh or raise their hands .
3 This vision might not always be met but that was no excuse not to go on trying .
4 It is important not to go on for too long , or to leave difficult business unfinished .
5 Once you begin lying , it is hard not to go on because it is impossible to explain why you lied in the first place .
6 ‘ Would you wish not to go on ? ’
7 Trying to get them not to go on with all this looking and looking , seeing and seeing …
8 Arriving at Halling he was warned not to go on to Rochester as there was danger of his being captured on the road .
9 She could still hear the faint murmurs of Tom Russell and his sister talking on the veranda , and it distracted her from the real purpose of this time alone , which was not to go on reliving that moment when his hand had covered her own , but to obediently follow his suggestion of giving herself time to fully think this through .
10 So it seemed sensible not to go on , ’ said Sir Ranulph .
11 So , and the person who 's speaking decides not to go on , so perhaps the conversation has stopped .
12 Eventually , either Mr Smith or Mr Jones had remarked : ‘ Are we not going on with the journey ? ’
13 I 'm not going on with the lecture if they 're going to play their childish little games in here . ’
14 We 'll be there about an hour and a half , as we 're not going on until after the regular Canadian has gone through .
15 It was n't just us ; we were both concerned about what was happening to girls in YTP because this conference today is talking about training and employment and so many of the young girls in West Belfast , the girls who are not going on to third level education , go into YTP .
16 There was also what was to become a recurrent feature of Gilkes 's reports — as indeed it had been for a half a century already — regret at the parents ' lack of faith or courage , which resulted in boys leaving early and not going on to University .
17 I thought you were supposed to be finding out what he was working on , not going on about what he might or might not have done with Suzanne Regan . ’
18 ‘ I 'm not going on about anything , John , ’ said Jannie .
19 ‘ We inhabitants of the post-historical world ’ , he trumpets , ‘ will have to keep in mind that the truly fundamental transformation in world politics are not going on in a desolate Middle Eastern desert , but back in cette vielle Europe which was the cradle of the idea of human freedom ’ .
20 Often the buyer will exercise both remedies at once , i.e. will reject the goods and will also indicate that he is not going on with the contract , e.g. by demanding his money back .
21 ‘ Tell me , ’ said Robert , as they walked up the High Street , ‘ and I 'm not going on about it , but exactly why did Ali sentence me to death ? ’
22 ‘ Big race not going on here .
23 I shall go at sixty three at the latest , I 'm not going on to sixty five
24 ‘ The day has come when India should go for new faces and not go on trying with the old ones , who have failed us miserably , ’ he said .
25 The only good thing about mistakes is that you 're supposed to learn from them — not go on making them ! ’
26 Do Not Go On Or Near The Track ’ .
27 And it has to be said , he wrote , that its opposite , a feeling of elation , equally physical , equally extra-physical , has also been a constant feature of my life , manifesting itself regularly though impossible to predict , a reeling in the chest this time , the chest and perhaps the throat , a feeling of the heart leaping and the blood pumping , it came when I first took up a brush and made a mark on paper , it came when I picked up the first readymade and felt it transformed by that very action , it came when Madge rang to say she could not go on , when Annie wrote to say she was not coming back , when the idea of the glass first popped into my head .
28 A project is a project , he wrote , and once it is begun it should be carried through to the end , regardless of doubts about meaning , doubts about long runs , or doubts about anything else , unless the body screams for you to stop , of course one can not go on for long against the screaming of the body , but then that merely means one has miscalculated , it merely means one has begun too soon or too late or perhaps that the entire project was a miscalculation .
29 Then , properly managed , perhaps using birth control instead of the crude culls practised by Zimbabwe and its friends , there is no reason why elephants should not go on producing ‘ found ’ ivory ( tusks picked up after natural mortality ) and tourist revenue for ever .
30 But a few minutes after he was launched into the speech he came to a dead stop , stared strangely at the gallery in silence , and could not go on .
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