Example sentences of "[not/n't] have do " in BNC.

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1 It is quite often the case that the person making the arrangements has not had to do this job before and so relies heavily on what he remembers from other funerals he has attended and on the undertaker 's advice .
2 Had I not had to do that , to meet the high spending levels of local authorities , that £50 million could have been available for housing .
3 By now he had discovered what archdeacons do , and did not have to do everything himself .
4 Israel did not have to do much more than open the area to its own produce and place obstacles in the way of anyone trying to develop enterprises or co-operative ventures .
5 They do not have to do down rivals in order to benefit themselves .
6 Shopping is a pleasure when you live alone because you do not have to do a bulk-shop every weekend as families do .
7 Herod , even then , did not have to do it .
8 Of course , you do not have to do things one of the standard ways if a system is only for your own use , and compatibility with someone else 's bar code system is not needed .
9 In order to talk about something that did not have to do with fondling and stroking she spoke of the garments .
10 Agreement on this suggestion would bring the meeting to a close , and most of those present would not have to do anything at all about the wretched book .
11 As it happened , Mr Kim did not have to do anything about this affair .
12 The additional part , which does not have to do with the connections stated by independent conditionals , is perhaps particularly necessary in connection with our conviction about the explanatoriness of the causal items .
13 To state the relevant causal circumstance , would we not have to do what we can hardly hope to do , which is to enumerate parts of much of the whole state of the universe at or during a time ?
14 The conception does not have to do , above all , with the statement 's having some otherwise specified content or subject-matter : that is , say , as being about thoughts , wants , or intentions , or conveying something about persons , minds , subjectivity , experience , or an inner world .
15 But it does not have to do so .
16 Craig and Wedderburn showed that while almost all industrial workers have to clock in , almost all managers do not have to do so ; while 90 per cent of workers had their pay reduced for lateness , none of the management employees suffered in the same way .
17 Furthermore , the BCS distinguished between the fear of crime , i.e. people 's fear of being victimised , and concern with crime , people 's more general anxiety about crime which did not have to do with personal Ask .
18 The Indian did not have to do any thinking for himself .
19 Cocaine is the kind of drug that does not have to do you harm — unless you 're stupid with it .
20 However , the firm will have to make the prescribed disclosure that all or most of the FSA protections do not apply if ( even though it does not have to do so ) it tells a private customer that it is a member of SFA or is otherwise FSA-authorised ; or ( 2 ) It is carried on with or for customers in the UK , but the FSA 's overseas person exemption would have applied if that non-UK office had been a separate person from the UK office ( see page 40 above and also below ) or , presumably , is outside the territorial scope of the FSA in any event ; or ( 3 ) The business is that of an appointed representative of the firm and is not carried on in the UK .
21 In the first half alone McLean 's men created enough chances to win a handful of games , yet such was their lack of confidence in and around the box that Chris Reid , the young Hibs goalkeeper , did not have to do anything out of the ordinary to keep his side in the game .
22 Raskolnikov is not with us either , but in the novel 's final text he could not have done or said any of the things I have just mentioned .
23 The overlooked hood in the newspaper scanned by the parajournalist would not have done equally well , nor would the cudgel .
24 As anyone who has worked in an English department will know , many of those listening to the lecture will not have done the necessary reading , and are so reduced to hearing about and taking notes on something of which they have not had direct literary experience ( even passing on their notes to friends who were absent from the lecture ) .
25 The owners of Rambo 's Hall , four businessmen , have stuck by Glover when those of lesser faith might not have done .
26 Yakovlev found this contrast with Nikol'sk bizarre and inexplicable , but he should not have done .
27 The concept of enforcement involves — as the word implies — the use of force , compulsion : one man 's right is enforced by others being compelled to do what they would not have done of their own free will .
28 It grew colder still as the night fell , a crackling frost under a sickle moon , but the coldness did not reach into the Norderns ' flat and it would not have done so even had the central heating broken down , the joy and relief of the family generating enough warmth to melt the polar ice-cap if necessary .
29 Free speech has lost , and should not have done
30 Mrs Cresson 's appointment may have helped the Socialists somewhat but can not have done much for the Communists .
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