Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] made " in BNC.

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1 protests can not be made by the contestant involved .
2 Kirillov replies : ‘ There is nothing secret that will not be made known .
3 By section 16 of the Adoption Act 1976 , an adoption order should not be made unless the parties agree or the court was satisfied that making of the adoption order should be dispensed with on , inter alia , the ground that the parent was withholding agreement unreasonably .
4 For that reason , the result of the appeal may not be made known until after the last race on 5 November .
5 The results of the survey , which will include a national poll , will be known to senior police officers in the next few weeks , but will not be made public until early in the new year .
6 The text of the appeal court judgement , where trained judges form the majority , will not be made public until 2 November .
7 She said the trade in ivory was a problem for Africa and the decision on it could not be made by ‘ people outside with their emotional campaigns ’ .
8 In the judgement ( Jerusalem Chamber I February 1954 ) the Chancellor mostly backed bishop and vicar ; but ordered out the statue and the sanctuary bells and the tabernacle on the altar , saying that what was illegal could not be made legal by the bishop 's permission .
9 It also presents the most difficult problem for those who , like myself , are convinced on practical grounds that a sufficient case can not be made out for the restoration of capital punishment .
10 Teaching at night is unlikely to prove popular ( with teacher or pupil ! ) and the night shift in a hospital ward can not be made equivalent to the day shift ( except for intensive care units which are continuously busy ) .
11 The structure of the wheel remains alongside the north-west elevation of the mill , although the wooden paddles have entirely rotted away and it can not be made to turn ( Plate 43 ) .
12 Adequate provision will probably not be made for Jonathan Rixon , one of the Islington children .
13 Lord Justice Balcombe said the way in which section 16(2) of the Adoption Act 1976 was structured was that an adoption order ‘ shall not be made unless ’ the parent is withholding consent unreasonably .
14 The watchword was always ‘ differentiation ’ which was plain enough up to a point : policy would not be made en bloc , but country by country , depending .
15 An extra £5 million would be brought forward from next year to offset the extra cost , but it would not be made up next year .
16 PAYMENT FOR ARTICLES Payments or offers of payment for stories , pictures or information should not be made to witnesses or potential witnesses in current criminal proceedings or to people engaged in crime or their associates except where the material concerned ought to be published in the public interest , and the payment is necessary to enable this to be done .
17 Pastrami cut from a very regular block will probably not be made from brisket of beef , so the odder the shape , the better the meat .
18 This misleading term tends to conceal the fact that dolphins are intentionally located , chased , harassed and encircled with a fishing net , from which attempts may not be made to release them .
19 Reason is more certain than revelation , and can not be made any more certain by it .
20 Ideas , it seems , can not be made into things , because various truths about them are not suitable for transmutation into truths about things .
21 She could not bind herself personally , with the result that she could not be made a bankrupt , unless she was carrying on a trade .
22 During this interval any person may intervene to show cause , on the ground of , e.g. , the suppression of material facts , why the decree should not be made absolute , and a public officer , the Queen 's Proctor , is especially charged with the duty of intervening .
23 A corporation can not be made bankrupt ; but a company formed under the Companies Act 1985 or similar earlier Acts can be wound up , and its property distributed , according to rules similar to those applicable to bankruptcy .
24 Yet David Carlton feels that too much should not be made of the gathering of opposition to Chamberlain 's National government policy of appeasement .
25 The task of child protection is , in a sense , the other side of the coin and one that can not be made easy for social workers , despite the sharper and hopefully more effective legal tools they will now have for the job .
26 The definition of a major injury widened with the introduction of RIDDOR ( The reporting of injuries , diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1985 introduced 1986 ) and therefore comparisons can not be made with data collected under NADOR ( The notification of accidents and dangerous occurrences regulations ) .
27 At the same time , we are concerned that police investigations should not be made more difficult by the misuse of certain rights .
28 Real concrete problems , such as the fact that Germany is the biggest trading nation in Europe , 50% more populous than France or Britain , that she holds half of the Soviet Union 's debt and has lent more money in government-guaranteed credit to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union , can not be made to disappear with words .
29 Payment shall not be made to the Insured Person under more than one of the benefits ( a ) to ( c ) in respect of the same injury or of the same period of disablement .
30 Indeed , Dorinda now advises other women to recognize that beauty can not be made to last , and Leapor closes the poem urging women to improve themselves spiritually so that old age will be satisfying :
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