Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Programmes were long over , but the white screen with the volume down served not badly as a night light ; any of the lamps in the shoebox room kept Sam awake , and total darkness made him frightened .
2 Eventually , I found a young hospital registrar who said , not entirely as a joke : ‘ I expect we 'll find a cupboard for her ’ .
3 It 's er almost two years ago now that erm , and it , I 'd like you to wait , but not entirely as a consequence of B C C I 's er , demise , that Citra published a code of practice to Treasury Management and a guide to the Chief Officers who were members of that Institution .
4 Not necessarily as a second best : over and again in the culture of homosexuality , differences of race and class are intensely cathected .
5 It will bear the history of that oppression , not necessarily as that which disables desire ( though it may ) , but as desire itself .
6 Nevertheless , I would advocate studying some subject in depth , not necessarily as an undergraduate , so that you can feel you have really mastered it at some stage in your career .
7 It is built on the shape of the letter ‘ E ’ , not necessarily as a compliment to Queen Elizabeth but for the satisfactory symmetry it afforded to the most important east-facing front which the world and his wife could view as they passed by .
8 On the other hand , the Christians ( who could also echo the philosophers ' sentiments ) read the story of the Fall of Adam and Eve as implying a flaw in human sexuality , not necessarily as a cause of sin but as a prime expression of selfish egotism .
9 In more severe disorders , more intensive psychotherapy or psychotherapeutic treatment may help ; if not , control by drugs or even personal containment may be necessary ( that is to say , detention not necessarily as punishment but in protection of society and its members ) .
10 In this context , the well-known late sixteenth-century comments about the best English being spoken in the London area should be understood for what they are , and not necessarily as a sign of standardized pronunciation .
11 Syndiotactic polymers are also sufficiently regular to crystallize , but not necessarily as a helix , rather in glide planes .
12 Secondly , the struggle between Keynes and ‘ orthodoxy ’ has been depicted too much as a battle of theory , not enough as a conflict between rival conceptions of the art and duty of government .
13 Norman Davis will be remembered by many with affection not only as a very great scholar but also as a most delightful and faithful friend .
14 ‘ OWING To its natural beauty , protected situation and other attractive features , Windermere is popular not only as a holiday resort , but as a permanent summer and winter residence .
15 Americans looked upon Britain not only as a poor relation , ignoring the causes of her poverty , but a dangerous one as well .
16 Ali knew the importance of a clean farewell , not only as a health measure , but as good commercial sense .
17 The thesaurus functions not only as a retrieval aid , but also as a reference facility .
18 The 10,000 metres of film recording Hitler at the grandiose military parade and celebrations for his fiftieth birthday in April 1939 consciously sought to portray him not only as a ‘ statesman ’ , but also as ‘ the future military leader , taking muster of his armed forces ’ .
19 Certainly he saw the Pinkie campaign not only as a military endeavour , but as something in the nature of a religious crusade ; Scotland would be snatched not just from alliance with France , but from the yoke of Rome .
20 GOOD drawing ability used to be considered important at school , not only as a skill that might give expression to a child 's aesthetic and artistic inclinations , but also one that would be useful in practical ways — in recording flora and fauna in nature study , for example .
21 Leapor , then , experienced domestic service not only as a servant but as a mistress .
22 In light of these passages from other poems , Mopsus can be seen not only as a pastoral retreat from ambition , but also a firm recognition of the hazards of patronage .
23 In 1839 this political credo was given definitive form in the Idées Napoléoniennes , which served not only as a resumé of the history of his uncle but sketched , in some detail , a possible future regime .
24 The Polish Solidarnosc , an unequivocal worker movement , opposed the regime not only as a class force but as the authentic voice of the Polish nation .
25 Citizenship should , it is suggested , be regarded not only as a burden , or even as a set of rights or entitlements , but also as an opportunity for self-fulfilment and a reciprocal relationship between citizens and the state .
26 Questions of genre , of the organization of repetition and difference , seem fundamental to television , not only as an institution and a discourse , but also as a form of subjectivity .
27 The Netherlands views itself not only as a trader and distributor of LPG but as a major user .
28 In our conversation , John Eudes emerged not only as a listener but also as a guide , not only as a counsellor but also as a director .
29 In our conversation , John Eudes emerged not only as a listener but also as a guide , not only as a counsellor but also as a director .
30 Another point is that the information management unit was intended not only as part of a construction industry course for students at universities and polytechnics , but was also aimed as a course to assist construction industry personnel already in industry .
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