Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We talked about that for a while and that was when I got the idea of using the mud wagon-not just for him but for the McLaren girl too , and just like before I could see myself sitting in it with her .
2 Although a senior transport pilot of the Russian Air Force at the age of 28 , ‘ Deemy ’ was not altogether at home in the eastern regions of Siberia .
3 Thiercelin , to whom first impressions were important , sensed that beneath the gushing stream of words she was not altogether at ease .
4 About literality and freedom in the rendering of poetic texts , however , the applied linguists are not altogether at ease ; Hatim and Mason ( 1990 ) allude to Roman Jakobson 's argument that in a poem " formal aspects of the linguistic code become part of the meaning , so that translation proper is impossible " — in other words , that the only option may be some form of creative equation in which the resources of the target language are searched for equivalents or compensatory balances .
5 Not altogether to his surprise , Edna seemed to have feelings very similar to his own about the matter .
6 With one of those insights which showed a mind much subtler than that of many of his contemporaries , he had drawn an analogy between logical positivism and surrealism ; but he told me on this occasion that he had once asked A.J. Ayer , as he then was , what political beliefs were compatible with logical positivism : to which the reply had been , not altogether to his surprise , that they would be decidedly left-wing .
7 I did submit what I had written , and , not altogether to my surprise , I received not long after a letter from Eliot beginning ‘ I am sorry to tell you … .
8 This was not altogether without a sense of loss , from those individuals , perhaps , who believed passion to be vital and life-affirming .
9 The outbreak of war in September 1980 between Iran and its principal western neighbour was not altogether without precedent .
10 A biography of an artist is a tricky proposition for a writer , since the artist may prefer to be judged through art , not life ; the incidentals of an everyday activity , not altogether under the artist 's control , are rather unimportant compared to the artist 's concentrated effort to create paintings or sculpture .
11 It was not altogether beyond the bounds of possibility that one day , somewhere , they could meet again .
12 Britain since 1945 has proved much like that , though not altogether like that .
13 There is some truth in this , but not altogether in the sense that was there intended .
14 The Lords of the Treasury , Wilson said , regretted that this was ‘ not altogether in accordance ’ with the recommendations of the Select Committee , but they felt that they had no alternative .
15 Elizabeth was not altogether in favour of the last choice but as Lamb was now officially betrothed to Martha , she had given in .
16 The attractions of Ullapool are not altogether in its intrinsic interests .
17 If Max was there when Dedo arrived the chances were not altogether against a peaceful conversazione and the witty exit of Modigliani to his own atelier close by …
18 Since the days of Queen Victoria the method of choosing bishops for the Church of England had changed , not wholly for the better .
19 Benson 's Diary , 25 May 1925 : ‘ I 'm not wholly at ease with Michael .
20 It was the accusation , or the selfaccusation , that Pound wrestled with in Hugh Selwyn Mauberley , and settled not wholly to his own or any one else 's satisfaction .
21 This may have held great promise in its early years but it soon became divided and then fragmented , due largely , if not wholly to the same age-old misconception whereby the basis of the religion is the assumption of the existence of a completely undefined ‘ god ’ , in this case the ancient ‘ god ’ of the Jews .
22 Bonuses are not wholly to be deplored .
23 It is important to understand that the ratio decidendi of a particular case is not wholly to be found in the case itself ; rather one must look to the way in which later courts interpret the case .
24 The inclusion of the former originated less from public concern over any alleged malpractice than from lack of confidence , felt mainly but not wholly within the legal profession , in procedures whereby ultimate responsibility for prosecuting as well as investigating in the vast majority of cases rested with the police .
25 Although he suggests he is not wholly against the permissive society , all that he can find to say in its favour is that it points to the continual necessity to make traditional values relevant to contemporary society , to the fact that the importance of the family , ‘ the very principles of order itself … are not … accepted by all ’ .
26 The texts are to be read and reread , with all the scrupulosity and rigour that Norris attributes to Derrida , and if not wholly in French , at least with frequent references to the original .
27 The only person not wholly in sympathy with this plan was the bartender who complained that I was supposed to be off duty and that the passengers should come to the bar to buy the drinks themselves ; I was syphoning off his tips .
28 Angel herself is not wholly in context , and at times the author 's attention slipped .
29 The pattern of movement , however , is not wholly in one direction .
30 Stripped of mask and domino they were not wholly unlike herself .
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