Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Malaysian Mining Corporation Berhad , effectively held that a comfort letter which does not expressly and precisely state that it has no contractual force will have such force , if its terms are sufficiently precise to be capable of interpretation .
2 M All provisions of this agreement which are not expressly or by necessary implication to merge and be extinguished in the transfer hereunder shall continue in full force and effect after completion .
3 The Report observes : ‘ It is now 25 years since Mitbestimmung ( Co-determination ) was introduced in the Federal Republic of Germany ’ ; and again : ‘ As long ago as 1972 the EEC published draft proposals for a Fifth Directive on Company law , proposing employee representation on the supervisory boards of all companies in the Community with over 500 employees ’ — a rhetorical presentation that pictures the United Kingdom as dragging its reluctant feet well in the rear of a party marching briskly along the path towards a bright new future entrusted not wholly but largely to trade unions .
4 In a memorandum written for the Commons ' Energy Committee , Andrew Holmes , the editor of Power in Europe , wrote , ‘ In the course of my work as a journalist , I have met a few environmentalists who can envisage some kind of long-term accommodation with the nuclear power industry , If waste disposal and other problems are satisfactorily solved ; I have never met an environmentalist who was not wholly and implacably opposed to the FBR . ’
5 It also gave employers legal remedies against industrial action in which no dispute exists between employers and their own employees or which is not wholly or mainly about employment matters .
6 Long years ago , we made a tryst with destiny , and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge , not wholly or in full measure , but very substantially .
7 For that belief is not analytically or necessarily true ; no contradiction is implied by supposing it false .
8 it' not numerically or
9 not properly but he 's been better
10 Much play was made of the fact that , since he had been present at the murder of John , duke of Burgundy , at Montereau he could not properly and worthily inherit the throne , from which he was now excluded .
11 Or do some represent a kind of verbal hijacking — an attempt to appropriate a term which does not properly or honestly belong in that context at all ?
12 Love , which indeed hid itself , but not shyly and fearfully , rather secretly and thoughtfully , so as not to be touched by a stranger 's hand — his first love , not his strongest and certainly not his deepest , but surely his most blessed .
13 The first satisfaction of indeterminist claims , including those , like the present one , which are not within but are antecedent to the traditional area of dispute about Free Will , is of course that they leave , or promise to leave , room for a reassuring or enhancing view of ourselves and our situation .
14 Parents want the debate on the future of education of our children to be held in public with all interested parties making a contribution , not ashamedly and secretly in smoke-filled hotel rooms .
15 Local campaigners were aware that the decisions on this issue were being made , certainly not locally and also not nationally , but in fact in Brussels .
16 His associate Auguste Laurent- and both of them were kept on the fringe of the French scientific establishment — was more hopeful : he believed that it was possible to determine formulae and structures , but not inductively as chemists had so far tried to do .
17 A Fool 's Alphabet , say , in which events are narrated not chronologically but alphabetically according to place .
18 Gradually , not chronologically but simply musically , there is a point at which 3/8 and 3/4 draw close together .
19 They were different , ’ he said not unkindly but it was clear he did n't want to talk about those nights .
20 It must , ’ she said , not unkindly but in a rare and urgent search for a response of any sort at all .
21 ‘ T is not herein as it was wont to be ,
22 Kelly said : ‘ It 's not right that the end of year events are worth more than the early season classics just because the interest has got to be maintained to the finish . ’
23 It 's not right that we should be left to run the place .
24 I consider that we have a very important national duty to perform in this respect ; this city is something more than the mother of arts and eloquence ; she is the mother of nations ; we are peopling two continents , the Western and the Southern Continent , and we are organising , christianising and civilising large portions of two ancient continents , Africa and Asia ; and it is not right that when the inhabitants of those countries come to the metropolis , they should see nothing worthy of its ancient renown .
25 While it is not right that either partner should always have to give way to the other , each may have to concede at times , for both their sakes and for the well-being of their marriage .
26 In our view it is manifestly not right that councillors should allow their personal opinions on a political or industrial matter to stand in the way of the right of access of the public to all publications which can reasonably be provided .
27 Is it not right that there would be a reversal of the excellent figures that my hon. Friend gave ?
28 In terms of that deterrent , is it not right that when a submarine is cruising anywhere in the world 's oceans , any potential aggressor who attacks the United Kingdom will stand the risk of unacceptable and devastating retaliation from us ?
29 If they are being fooled now by many other countries , is it not right that we must seek a strong , new , international non-proliferation treaty containing vigorous verification provisions backed by United Nations sanctions ?
30 On March 10 Boutros-Ghali had appealed to all UN member states for voluntary contributions to cover UNFICYP 's US$196,000,000 cost ; he had pointed out that it was not right that the force should be funded as at present by voluntary contributions from the eight personnel -contributing states [ see also p. 38873 ] .
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