Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 They are divisive because they have a tendency to divide women into two camps ; those who have and those who have not shaken the dust of patriarchal conditioning from their feet .
2 Successful high-profile appeals of the Guildford Four , Birmingham Six , the Maguire family and the Tottenham Three have traumatised the criminal justice system and led to a Royal Commission , but they have not stopped the complaints .
3 However , CITES ' attempts to regulate the trade have not stopped the illegal trade .
4 But this has not stopped the two companies , conscious of their high public profile , from starting to sell the deal to the viewers as well as the money men .
5 Mr Birt 's display of candour and remorse has not stopped the seepage , leaving the vague impression the whole story may not yet be known .
6 He took it up in a Pauline spirit , as a reparation ; now the least of Christians ( by special grace ) but once an infidel , and even if he had not persecuted the faithful , one who scorned the Faith , he would do what he could to convert men or stop them from straying away .
7 Within the field of Latin American art as a whole there are still many individual artists who have not received the attention they deserve because their work does not seem to fit into any larger pattern .
8 Many a good dog has been ruined when he has done something good and , for some reason , not received the right response from the handler ; in other words , the wrong association has been created .
9 When she was allowed out of bed the nurses ( who presumably had not received the instruction ) no longer assisted in washing her and the patient said that she would be glad to get home so that her legs and feet could be washed .
10 It is not difficult to see why corporate crime has not received the same publicity as murder , robbery , theft , rape and so on — both in the mass media and in the study of crime .
11 To those in Rome who had trusted Christ alone for salvation the Apostle Paul wrote ‘ Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear ; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba , Father .
12 Sometimes we may apply relatively simple yardsticks , such as whether the school has or has not received the newly recommended material and whether it is using it .
13 I sent away for a video instruction tape over two months ago ; the cheque was cashed well over a month ago but as yet I have not received the tape .
14 It did in fact run out , and still Anselm had not received the pallium which would give him full authority as archbishop .
15 You have not received the goods or had your money returned
16 The Eastern Arts report of nineteen eighty six was never completed what the Eastern Arts did in actual fact was to produce a draft report and promised that the final report would be complete and circulate it as to date which is nineteen ninety-one we have not received the final report of the Eastern Arts appraisal .
17 I would acknowledge that : ( i ) I was aware that the Board was seeking production of the documents the subject of the notice from the defendant for the purpose of its supervisory functions over the defendant , and ( ii ) if the Bank had not received the information about the subject matter of that investigation the Bank would not have issued the notice .
18 ‘ The clear policy here is to affect trade business — significantly , merchandising wholesalers have not received the letter — by snubbing trade wholesalers , and , by implication , independent booksellers . ’
19 You have not received the goods or had your money returned
20 The buyer has no lien over rejected goods and therefore must hand them over on request even though he has not received the return of his purchase money , Lyons v. May & Baker ( 1923 K.B. ) .
21 Is my right hon. Friend aware that some British companies have not received the compensation due to them from the Turkish authorities controlling northern Cyprus ?
22 We have not received the report of the social policy research unit at York , but when we do we will publish it urgently .
23 The increase in complaints may have something to do with the fact that we believe that it is important that if someone has not received the care to which he thinks he is entitled from the NHS , his right to complain should not be a well-kept secret , as has too often happened in the past .
24 Just because the regional dimension has not received the attention afforded to monetary union , that does not mean that it is less important to our future economic well-being .
25 The papal legate in England in 1213 , Nicholas de Romanis , reported that he had not received the 1000 marks left to the pope ( nor the 500 left to the cardinals ) by the archbishop of York , Geoffrey Plantagenet .
26 But personal belief and professional judgement have not received the same attention .
27 The role of bureaucracy in politics has been central to Marxist debates about the state in capitalist societies , though the details of bureaucratic structures and processes have not received the attention they deserve .
28 If , after a set period of time PI has not received the expected mail message , it will ‘ time-out ’ and continue with its normal operation , assuming that the message has been deleted .
29 The World Bank board has approved a loan towards Chile 's Pangue dam project , even though the project has not received the full environmental assessment required under the bank 's operating guidelines .
30 Hughes is convinced that the North West , its tales of achievement drowned out by London 's much-trumpeted experiences , has not received the credit it deserves for its wartime resilience .
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