Example sentences of "[not/n't] [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 I believe that when Milton Friedman defends capitalism as a necessary but not sufficient condition to ensure a free society , it is not capitalism as an ideology to which he refers , but the guarantee by the state to respect private property rights .
2 It was the vested interests of arms manufacturers , not capitalism as such , which they were trying to break .
3 However much specific capitalist abuses figured in their thinking about the causes of war , the principal enemies remained secret diplomacy , militarism and the delusions of economic nationalism , not capitalism as such .
4 Thus monarch in 14 has queen but not king as a synonym , whereas in 15 it has king but not queen :
5 It is not disturbance as such but uncontrollable disturbance which leads to uncertainty .
6 Today , the fact that Maxwell 's theory can give an accurate account of the behaviour of a wide range of electromagnetic systems is a generally accepted part of scientific knowledge , and assertions about the existence and properties of radio waves will not rate as novel predictions .
7 There a local Northern Ireland MP occupied a council house in protest at the eviction of a Catholic family and reallocation of their house to a Protestant woman who did not rate as a priority for rehousing .
8 Strangers do not rate as human beings at all .
9 A sense of her own importance , which survived despite the sadnesses of her adult life and prompted her to tell her own story at such length , is summed up in her quotation of a relative 's comment on her autobiography , ‘ it was not writ as if a weak woman might have done it , but might have become a divine . ’
10 Size clearly has something to do with its effect , he wrote , but not size as reflection of ego .
11 With Kiesling he argues that it is that femininity signifies inferiority to Thomas , and not femininity as such , which makes a woman unsuitable .
12 Does Phil not class as dis
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