Example sentences of "[vb -s] over a " in BNC.

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1 When the accompanying stream drops over a ledge , it is a signal to retreat and return to daylight .
2 Out of a thousand cases reported in United States waters over a five-year period , only two resulted in death .
3 Every golfer in the world experiences that awful feeling of helplessness when he stands over a putt and knows that he has not the slightest chance of getting the ball near the hole , let alone into it .
4 An agreement may be for one song , or for everything a musician writes over a number of years .
5 WITHIN THE first five minutes of Phallus In Wonderland , a surly youth vomits over a tramp , has a hook shoved through the back of his head and is transported off to a distant planet to meet cartoon barbarian grunge rockers GWAR .
6 This is an acquired skill which develops over a long period .
7 The raster-coded image , in its simplest form , has the value ‘ 1 ’ wherever the cell lies over a line and the value ‘ O ’ otherwise .
8 Young children do imitate the aggressive acts of televised models as much as live models ; furthermore , this effect persists over a considerable period of time and is particularly pronounced when the aggressive model is portrayed as successful .
9 The examples all have the same structure : a well-defined quantity is recorded at successive equally-spaced time points over a specific period .
10 So instead , and still twenty-four , Gustave sits over a map with Du Camp and plans a monster journey to Asia .
11 Now it seems that the disease builds over a period of years .
12 Inexpensive seed propagators consist of a transparent plastic lid that fits over a normal seed tray or a number of small plastic or expanded polystyrene ‘ cells ’ held in an outer drip tray .
13 Everyone is aware of the sensation experienced in a lift as it starts to descend , and in a car when it goes over a humped-back bridge .
14 They may go down the field below the cave to a gate on the Kingsdale road which , followed to the left , goes over a rise to Deepdale and Dent , and to the right leads down the valley to the more probable destination of Ingleton which has accommodation , shops , refreshments and bus services .
15 If the water coming out of taps ( mainly hot ones ) slows over a period of time , the problem is likely to be scale in the pipes — especially if you have a direct hot water system ( see page 48 ) .
16 The city parasites were also massing as thick as flies over a turd : smooth-skinned lads , cloak-twitchers , quacks , night wanderers , mimes and petty sorcerers .
17 It may be reached on foot by using a track leaving the Ullapool road four miles out of Kylesku : this climbs over a high saddle before reaching the stream which can be followed down to the lip of the fall .
18 In the pleasant countryside around the roofless ruin of Courthill House ( not destroyed by fire as may be supposed but dismantled by its owner to avoid paying rates ) , the road turns sharply east to enter a ravine where waterfalls are to be seen , and then climbs over a low ridge to descend to Lochcarron .
19 From Acharacle , the A.861 climbs over a low ridge to Salen , a village on the shore of Loch Sunart , reaching it through a pleasant woodland and between ditches of yellow flag iris .
20 It was Fred Wilton who devised the theory that if carp were offered HNV baits over a long enough period , i.e. through extensive pre-baiting , they would eventually recognise that they were good for them , and seek out these baits in preference to low protein types such as bread , worms , potatoes or , indeed , even natural food .
21 One of these is the methanation reaction which occurs over a nickel metal catalyst and which was originally discovered by Sabatier and Senderens 80 years ago , Although this is widely used to make synthetic natural gas for example , there is even more interest in the production of compounds containing higher numbers of carbon atoms .
22 Grammatical change occurs over a much longer time scale than lexical change .
23 If the acceleration of a system occurs over a small number of steps then the phase excitation timings can be generated by digital integrated circuits .
24 Where rifting occurs over a mantle plume the sub-lithospheric mantle will be up to 200°C hotter than normal and large quantities of magma will be generated .
25 However , we can illustrate the most important features by considering just two types of motion , each of which occurs over a significant sub-range .
26 Sometimes this happens over a long period , as a person finds himself constrained to attend a Christian place of worship , or drawn to read the Christian scriptures .
27 For monthly savings , Mr Murrell recommends Friendly Society plans over a 10-year period because the money grows tax free .
28 As it passes over a toll point in the road ( essentially a wire loop buried in the surface ) a radio beam from the loop will interrogate the number plate and feed back the vehicle number to a central computer .
29 The trapeze hangs lightly from a toggle , the toggle hangs from the end of a proper fishing line , the line passes over a springy pole to the door over the mouth of the basket where the little fish 's wriggling so free .
30 With this type of valve ( of which the Garston or BRS valve is the best known ) , there is no moving piston — rather a rubber diaphragm which closes over a nylon seating with the last movement of the float arm .
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