Example sentences of "[vb -s] no time " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Article 36 specifies no time within which the third party must make its dissent known , nor is there any indication of the status of that right in the period between its inclusion in a treaty and any dissent to it .
2 It is a problem which has occupied the minds of those whom Canon Roger Lloyd has dubbed ‘ station saunterers ’ ( ‘ the railway lover counts no time wasted which he spends sauntering on a good station ’ ) .
3 Razumikhin himself may or may not have come from the country , but he is certainly a member of the floating , unbelonging population of students and ex-students , and he records in simple puzzlement that Raskolnikov has been growing increasingly moody and suspicious and introverted ; ‘ he has no time for anything , people are always in his way , and yet he lies about and does nothing ’ — a confirming echo of Raskolnikov on his bed telling Nastasya the maid that he is working , by which he means thinking .
4 Opera is too clumsy for ideology — it has no time for its sub-clauses and selective hatreds .
5 It looks increasingly as if Moscow has no time for such trivial questions .
6 He has no time for inefficiency , and he reserves a particular scorn for the manner in which the medical profession organises itself .
7 Mr Eysenck has no time for English diffidence .
8 He has no time for wafflers . ’
9 who has no time for those who whisper in the night of treachery and plot against the light ,
10 A predator dashing in for the kill has no time to assess the minute details of the eyes to detect whether they are real or false .
11 Recession is biting at Softwright Systems , but Nick Durrant has no time to brood over it .
12 This bear of a man clearly has no time for the smug certainties peddled by the top pop politicos …
13 Moise , a businessman typical of Le Sentier 's clothing industry entrepreneurs , has no time for criticism of his employment practices : ‘ Of course we employ workers in conditions outside the legal norms .
14 He has no time for players who are not totally honest with him or with their approach to the game .
15 He has no time for the factory-made products of China , Pakistan or Morocco .
16 COSE also has no time to go off on an invention tear , he said , if it aims to take on Microsoft Corp .
17 Mr Murray has no time for the fashionable preoccupations of academic critics or for the dead-end road of existentialism .
18 COSE also has no time to go off on an invention tear , he said , if it aims to take on Microsoft Corp .
19 If a particular human is capable of handling the proper aspects of a gadget , which must include mental knowledge of its place in the Machine of Evolution , then it is possible to use it as an aid , but as there are increasing numbers of gadgets being invented and marketed , so the human brain has no time and space to see these in relation to its own life/thought scale because , upon being born , the human is thrown immediately into a multi-armed and legged wrestling match with levers , wires , buttons and switches and fails to grasp the meaning of it all , being occupied totally in rushing to partially master the use of one before the marketeers rush in faster with 10 new gleaming diversions .
20 He has no time for interfering adults , but I was not to be daunted ; I stuck to him until I saw for myself that he had no methods and did not teach , or rather , did not impose .
21 The cuckoo has no time to settle low in the nest and her egg often falls a little distance .
22 A governess has no time of her own , no friends , no one to talk to , and if she gets angry with the children , they just run to their mother .
23 He has no time for fools .
24 His wrists are in a cocked position and he has no time to release the clubhead with any force .
25 So you see , Miss Abbott has no time .
26 And Sacha says his marriage has survived because his wife has no time for the hype .
27 This Government has no time at all for the poor and even less time for people who become poor as a result of their savage policies , the policies which cause high interest rates , rising unemployment and all because of it 's obsession with inflation .
28 And she also has no time for farm people , I think .
29 It is a good idea for the buyer who has no time to come to market , but it will never replace the special advantages of the live stock auction .
30 He has no time for the fair-weather aid groups , who will only go to Romania in the summer and is annoyed by those who deliver basic supplies , take a few pictures and never return .
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